Praising people to show gratitude can make their day; And the best part is that you can do it during a work meeting in the boardroom, in a Slack conversation, or privately outside of work.
When you are the leader or the manager it is particularly important to thank your work team. When you are closing out an exciting week, quarter, or year with your team, hopefully, you will feel grateful for all the hard work your team members do every day.
Reasons to Adopt an attitude of gratitude
As a leader, one of your primary responsibilities is to empower your team to do the best locksmith Toronto job possible. However, to keep your team coming up with the best ideas and making the best products and services, it will take more than having an unlimited number of cups of coffee for them.
There are many Productivity techniques to get everyone on your team working together toward a common goal, but expressing gratitude is also a surefire way to motivate everyone.
5 ways to say thank you at work
It is important, now more than ever, to give thanks. These are some examples of gratitude and recognition of the effort that you can put in with your team and your colleagues.
1. Consistently show your sincere appreciation.
Yes, to be grateful you just have to say, “Thank you”. However, you should take the time to thank that person for doing something specific, such as delivering a client’s project on time, providing exceptional support to a team member
You can also show your gratitude by taking your gratitude to the next level. Some people like public recognition and others like private thanks.
If you are taking the time to personally thank someone, you can take the time to figure out how they prefer to be thanked at once.
2. Think of a gift they like.
One way to thank your team is by means of a physical or monetary gift.
So, you know, when you cannot find the words, give a nice gift to that person on your team who deserves the recognition. Wrap that thanks to you with a bow and thanks to your team for their effort and dedication.
3. Involve your entire work team
Thanking your team does not always have to be verbally or with a gift. Thanking others directly affects their perception of recognition and value, so a good way to do this is by involving your team in important projects and tasks.
Employees feel valued when they participate in decision-making and when their skills are being used for the benefit of the company.
4. Pay attention and listen
This is another simple, but powerful way to practice gratitude and show your team that you value it. Especially as a leader, maybe you think that you are the one who should be doing and receiving everything. That is far from the truth.
The best leaders are the ones who take the time to really listen to their employees and colleagues.
5. Create a culture of gratitude
After all, your team wants to feel valued and appreciated. But the culture of gratitude should not be fostered by just one person or just a few people.
Perhaps some people in your company are reluctant to express their gratitude or to applaud a job well done. In that case, what you can do is facilitate the opportunities for this recognition to happen.