Jean, “Incorporate music and art in their life. You may have a Picasso! Our son is talented with art and music.  We may never had known if opportunities weren’t provided.” Tip 6

Jean’s sixth tip, to incorporate art and music, is a tip I could have used in my parenting.  I, myself, was not exposed to art and music as a child.  In fact, I’m pretty sure if I had a voice like Adele, I would have been silenced just the same.

Lacking that exposure myself, I didn’t really consider incorporating it into our lives. I do think integrating art and music is a great idea.  I can imagine how those teachings can brighten a home, and expand possibilities.  So much to be learned.

In careful reflection, I recall we did provide a sketch pad purchased a beginner’s guitar. I guess that was something; although as the case with many topics, I wish I had done a little more.

Fortunately, overall, as with Jean’s son, Michael too was privileged to have had an abundance of opportunities, even if I’m not scoring high on the art-scale.  Jean and I did our best to ensure their lives were full of attention, love, and adoration.  So much adoration, I’m confident it has caused annoyance on more than one occasion.  We sure did, and do, dote on our boys!

I can see a little clearer where Jean’s son gets his charm, his brains, and now his talent.  Her devotion to him, and her parenting, leapt off the page.  I could see many similarities, we shared a lot of parenting practices. It makes sense our boys would be friends today.

I think in having only one son, we could uphold a laser sharp focus.  Our focus was so sharp it now permeates, and ricochets in our empty, empty nests!

As Jean and I both struggle to accept our “babies” are now over a quarter of a century old, we jockey to find where we fit.  We continue to share commonalities in our new role of non-parenting parents.  We struggle with conversations, relevant topics, and where to talk while wishing to listen.  We were so busy preparing them for adulthood, I think we’re a little unprepared!

I guess in the end, for us both, if we do ½ as good in the adult phase of non-parenting as we did parenting, we’ll be ok.  I’m confident we’ll continue to occasionally visit regrets, and bask in the light of their bright futures.  We’ll try not to impose, but be always secretly hoping for a phone call of a lunch invitation.

Maybe, given Jean’s tip on art, a paint-night might be in order.


  • Doreen Coady

    Author & Parenting Commentator

    Author of 100 Moms 1000 Tips 1 Million Reasons & 100 Dads 1000 Tips 1Million Reasons available on Amazon and major book stores.   Doreen is empty-nester who has spent the last five years collecting tips from 199 parents. Her heartwarming and real-talk, message on parenting is woven through their collective wishes and wisdom.   Parents are diverse in terms of age, culture, social-economic background, and beliefs. Contributions provide 2000 parenting tips from others interested in helping each other, especially new parents learning the ropes.   Every tip and commentary is distinct, providing a magnificent assortment of shared experiences. The collection conveys the depth, devotion, and breadth of parenting.   This is fun, enlightening, easy to read, and a highly relatable account of parenting successes and struggles.   For ‘the why,’ check out,, or search “100 Moms 1000 Tips” on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.