I have read a few books at the start of the year across various topics like technology, motivation, success and leadership among others. Most of them are business books which is my preferred genre. Here are the 6 books I liked and will surely kick off 2020 on a positive note.
Blowing the Bloody Doors Off by Michael Caine – This was totally inspirational to me. Michael gives his story and lot of helpful tactics for us to do well. He said initially he knew that he wasn’t going to be a hero type of actor but he said whatever part was given to him he performed it with aplomb. Even if you have the smallest role in a movie give it your best shot. You are always auditioning wherever you are. It is a total inspiration for me to read this
A Great Fit by Tom Murry – This was a quick read on how to succeed in your career. Some of the points I liked was forgive and forget. Don’t dwell on the past, get moving and help others. You need both taste and charisma to reach the top. Take it from someone who has led Calvin Klein. Confidence+Creative Freedom+ Vision is taste. Enjoy what you do and bring enthusiasm to everything you do. Branding is a hot topic in business circles and it is important to manage your personal brand. Some of the ways you can develop a positive attitude is also discussed here. Check out this post. 10 Ways to Have a Great Attitude in 2020
The Leader’s Greatest Return by John C. Maxwell – One more book by John Maxwell and that itself is astonishing. I have read a number of his books and this is equally good. The bottom line of leadership is not to just have followers but to enable and empower them to become leaders on their own. It is an excellent primer on how to develop leaders at all levels. One of the keys of course is to be a great listener.
Welcome to Management by Ryan Hawk – I liked his podcast on leadership and wanted to check this book out. It is amazingly well written and one of the best leadership books I have read recently. The first step is to lead yourself. This involves a lot of self-discipline. One of the things Ryan says is important is to wake up early, exercise and be a learning machine. The second step is to build your team. Of course this is the first who principle. Who you have in your team determines where you drive your leadership to. There are also great tips on what to look for when you hire someone. Some of them include work ethic, creativity and resilience among others. Finally lead your team to success. This has excellent personal examples as well on how to tell your story as well. We have to learn to speak on our feet and communication skills is of paramount importance to be a great leader.
The Future is faster than you Think by Peter H. Diamandis and Steven Kotler – I liked their earlier books on Abundance and Bold. This book contains everything from flying cars to block chain to machine learning. It is an all stop shop for all future technologies. It also tackles complex topics like education and climate change. Well worth a peak for sure. Some of the topics discussed are quantum computing, AI, Block chain, Augmented reality and Virtual reality.
You Haven’t Hit your Peak Yet by Harvey Mackay – Harvey Mackay has been around for sometime for sure. He has written some blockbusters earlier most of which I have read. This book is very inspirational for sure. These are the building blocks needed for success in any field. We need to be able to deal with adversity, have a great attitude, good people skills, be creative, focus on customer service and also be a good leader. This book will surely keep you motivated for the long haul. Yes none of us have hit our peak yet. The only way to hit our peak is to be super disciplined in our lives.
There you have it the 6 books to kick off 2020 in great style. Thanks for reading this post. The views expressed here are my own and do not represent my organization.