how to achieve mental clarity

A job in marketing may sound exciting, and it is. You get to use your skills and creativity to spread the word about a company and help it grow. But did you know that 80 percent of marketing professionals say they’re “seriously overloaded with work”? Also, 71 percent report an overall feeling of burnout.

While trying to deal with my own sense of stress and mental noise, I reached out to some of the busiest marketers I know. Almost all of them used words like hectic, overwhelming and stressful to describe their jobs, and admitted they find it hard to wind down. Nonetheless, they rely on a few simple habits that help them regain mental clarity and get back to work with a rested mind.

Read what these marketers told me, then go take a walk if you feel tired, or try the exercise Miriam recommends!

“I put my phone on airplane mode while I’m walking.”

Kelsey Mullins, Developer Content Marketer at RapidAPI:

When things get hectic, I like to go for quick walks in the park near our office. Since we are in San Francisco, it is usually nice and cool outside which really helps clear my mind.

I also find it to be more relaxing when I turn off notifications or put my phone on airplane mode while I’m walking.

“The best medicine for me is nature.”

John Jantsch, marketing consultant and author of “The Self-Reliant Entrepreneur: 366 Daily Meditations to Feed Your Soul and Grow Your Business“:

As a business owner, it often feels like things can get overwhelming at work. Every day brings something new, and this is a potential catalyst for stress and doubt.

The best medicine for me is nature. I happen to be fortunate in that I live a large part of the year in the mountains surrounded by nature’s most opulent show. I make sure that I go out and sit in the trees and bathe in the fresh air, and receive the scientifically researched benefits of a forest. Nature is slow, it just does what it does and gives a perfect example of how we can slow down and be with our present thoughts.

It’s a great way to bring back “I got this” and “What an amazing thing owning a business is.” From that place clarity returns!

“I like catching up with the news or my favorite shows.”

Chanteuse Marie, launch copywriter:

Sometimes I can work without interruption for hours on end. Most days, I break my work into chunks. Meaning, I work for two to three hours as soon as I wake up. Take a break. Work another set of two to three hours. Break. Work the final set of two to three hours and call it a day.

I also implement theme days to avoid context switching. During breaks, I like catching up with the news or my favorite shows. By the time I’m back at my desk, my mind’s rejuvenated, and I can look at my work with fresh eyes.

“My method resolves tension in both body and mind.”

Miriam G. Zacharias, Director of Marketing at Nutritional Therapy Association:

As Marketing Director for the NTA it’s tough to flip off the creative switch in my brain, often leaving me exhausted at the end of the day.

My #1 method to relax resolves tension in both body and mind.

I lay on the floor with my legs bent at the knee, feet propped on a bolster, arms to my side, lavender pillow on my eyes, and chanting or crystal bowl melody playing in the background (no earbuds!). I set my timer for 20 minutes and breathe in for five count, out for seven count.

At the end of 20 minutes, my mind has cleared and tightness in back, hips, and legs has disappeared.

“I get two fresh air workouts a day.”

Joan Touchstone, SVP at DKC, a PR and integrated communications agency:

Physical activity is one of my must-haves for staying balanced and content.

My bike commute, eight miles each way across hilly San Francisco, is key. I get two fresh air workouts a day, during a time I’d otherwise spend on a slow bus or traffic jam. Plus, I catch up on podcasts, which also inspire my work or personal goals.

By the time I roll into the office, I’m in a great mood and ready to tackle my agenda. At home, I can connect with my family instead of racing to a workout or feeling guilty about skipping one.

“I lift weights and do some cardio, such as swimming.”

Ivan Szabo, VP of Marketing at IrisCRM:

My work and life are pretty stressful and sometimes it’s hard to focus or get a grip. There are good and bad days, and I try to keep a routine and stay balanced.

These are the things that help me the most:

1. Going to the gym. I lift weights and do some cardio, such as swimming. Sometimes I do both, other times I alternate.

2. Listening to loud ‘70s rock and reading a good book.

Doing these things helps me to unplug and think clearly on what I have to do next.

Seriously, go take a walk

While trying to wrap up this article, I had a hard time figuring out whether the copy still needed editing or it was good to go. After more than three hours of work, it’s hard to see things clearly. So, I leashed my dog and went for a 15-minute walk around the pond near my house.

Turns out all the article needed was another call-to-action: seriously, go take a walk.