Wake up: Smile!

Smile when you wake up
First thing when you wake up: Smile! (Photo Daria Shevtsova from Pexels)

I do this every day. And it is really magic! A smile lights up your day. Why not try today and see?

Still, in bed, visualize an ideal day. Tell yourself that it will be wonderful. Determine 2 things that make you feel fulfilled by the end of the day. It can be a very simple tea time or reading a book.

Eat your breakfast: grateful!

Eat this fruit as slowly as the tree takes time for it to ripe (Photo Pixabay)

This grain or fruit was riping under the sun and the rain. The plant took months to grow. And how many people were working hard to bring them here … Feel grateful for this wonder which is on your plate. You will be filled with joy.

Take a shower: this water comes from a cloud!

From which cloud this drop comes? (Photo Min An from Pexels)

Where does this drop of water under your shower come from? A forest, a spring, a mountain? From which cloud it comes? From which lake it evaporated?

Imagine its long journey. A second is enough for you to feel wonders.

In the waiting line: Breathe!

Waiting without waiting (Photo Visionpic. net from Pexels)

Caught up in a waiting line? In traffic? Take time to breathe. Be conscious that you are breathing. Follow your breath until the end. Try this a few minutes and tell me how you feel.

Cooking: Slow down!

Feel the texture of nature when you cook (Photo Ana Madeleine Uribe from Pexels)

When you chop vegetables, feel the texture of the leaves in your hands. Observe them a little moment. When you wash dishes, feel tape water running through your fingers. Slow down. You will feel wonders.

And lastly, anytime anywhere: Appreciate!

Appreciate these moments (Photo Edu Carvalho from Pexels)

Take a moment to appreciate what is around you. Perhaps you are in a warm bed when it’s cold outside? Perhaps you are in a car instead of cycling in the rain? Perhaps you are surrounded by your kids, your friends, by nature? Appreciate these moments and be filled with joy!

Read more: How my children teach me about happiness


  • Giang Cao Ho My

    M.A., Founder

    Mindfulness Garden

    Like what you read? More from Giang on Mindfulness Garden Giang Cao Ho My is a Yogi, Meditation Practitioner, and Spiritual writer.  Join her Mindful Tribe and practice Mindful living today - Slow down. Feel better for less. Cultivate our presence in anything we do. Fulfilled from the inside and spread love.