
We all know that a great masterpiece artwork is really worth and expensive with the time, for example, The Monalisa and many more. And definitely, you don’t want it to get damaged or get spoiled. Also, it takes a lot of time and dedication for making a piece of artwork and therefore it can be frustrating and painful if it gets damaged or spoiled. So, if Are you an artist or your working in an artwork museum or agency and needs help on how to protect your art or artwork gallery picture.
Then you have come to the right place. As today we will discuss in detail on how you can keep your artwork gallery in good condition. All you need to do is read the context given below with concentration.

6 effective ways are as follows:

  • Keep your artwork away from direct sunlight: Artwork is highly damaged if it comes to direct contact with intense sunlight. The colour of the artwork might get soaked or drained which may lead to artwork discolour. So, try to keep your away from places with direct sunlight
  • . Check your room humidity: Excessive humidity or amount of water in the air can lead to your artwork colour bleeding. Also, the colour of the artwork might get mixed with one another and lead to total spoil of the artwork. So, regularly check the humidity level by using devices like hygrometer. According to experts, the ideal humidity of the artwork should be 55%.
  • Keep your artwork in a cool, dry and dark place: The best way to keep your artwork safe from sunlight, humidity and is to placing artworks in a cool, dry and dark place. It is really effective if you’re thinking to protect unframed artwork.
  • Avoid Direct Touching of Artwork: Direct touching of the artwork may lead to exposure to your fingerprints and natural oils and lead to damage to your artwork. So, remember to never touch with naked fingers and always use cotton hand gloves during work especially on acrylic framing surfaces and paintings. Also, don’t let others touch your paintings, you don’t want others to damage your masterpiece right?
  • Wisely choose your frame glass: Select whether you are going to choose glass or acrylic plexiglass for framing. If you’re saying why? than the reason both have different specification and usage. Glass is good if you’re placing your art in a sunroom. Whereas, if you want to avoid sunlight in your paintings then acrylic plexiglass if best for you. Because of this glass is UV rays resistance and also lighter than glass. Therefore, it will protect your arts from fading and yellowing caused by direct sunlight.
  • Buy a good Art gallery picture racking: Lastly, go for artwork racks and solander box. This is the best way to keep your artwork safe for several years though you have to spend some bucks. But, as there is a saying that good things come at a good cost so, definitely you go for racking. There are various racking types available to market according to the size and shape of artwork types such as Rod Dividers, Plan Chest Storage Units, Toast Rack- Artwork Storage, Conventional Pull-out Picture Racking, Hanging Map Storage Units, Lateral Mobile Picture Racking and many more. So, you should need to choose these rackings according to your artwork type. We suggest you, to research on it and their price before buying it from a good artwork racking maker or company. Apart from racking you can also invest and buy a solander box. These boxes are generally typical acid-free print boxes with hinged front panels.

Conclusion: Artworks are really precious and also the value of artwork increases by time. Though the artwork is becoming rare with the introduction of the digital era. Therefore we should take special care and effort to keep it in good condition. Also, this article will surely help you out to do all of that. Please give us a review of whether this article helps you or not in the comment section. Thank You! Cheers to all artist.