1 – Leave Chemicals Behind

If you’re hoping to improve your skin, it’s tempting to try out solutions like chemical peels and harsh cleansers to do so. Harsh chemical treatments or chemical-based skincare solutions often have ingredients that do more harm than good however. They tend to make the skin dry out, only enhancing existing problems. Any products you use must be as gentle as possible. With that in mind, make sure you stick to options with natural ingredients like manuka honey or white tea. You can fight off microbes, bacteria, and age spots with natural ingredients alone in most cases, and some examples such as manuka honey can even cut down on facial scarring.

2 – Only Use Spot-Fighting Cosmetics

Everyone knows what it’s like to wake up with such poor looking skin that you feel compelled to cake on as much makeup as possible to hide the problem. This is only a temporary solution however, and it can be a costly one at that. To avoid pore clogging and flare ups, you should simply switch to cosmetic brands that are designed to fight off age spots and acne naturally. According to Dore Aesthetics you can start by sticking to brands that only use minerals in their ingredients. Zinc oxide is particularly useful since it fights off bacteria.

3 – Drink Spearmint Tea

Skin problems like acne are often caused on a hormonal level. Hormones can stimulate the glands that produce oil, and clogged pores follow suit. One of the most common modern tools for fighting off this process has come in the form of prescription medication. Many of the options have dangerous side effects however, and some of them only work for certain people. One of the best alternatives is to merely drink spearmint tea. It offers the same hormone balancing properties as most acne fighting medication without leading to any further health complications.

4 – Make A Concerted Effort To Reduce Bacteria

As much as it may hurt to think about, there’s really no way to avoid having our skin come into contact with germs and bacteria throughout the day. Unfortunately, this is yet another leading cause of poor skin and acne in particular. The problem can even manifest while you sleep, especially if your pillows and sheets are unwashed or your face still has makeup from earlier in the day. Even makeup brushes that have never been washed can help spread bacteria onto your skin. Obviously, you need to make an effort to cut the problem off at the source. Be sure to wash your bedding and makeup brushes on a regular basis, and your face should be washed each night before you go to bed. If you can help it, also be sure to stop yourself from touching your face as often as possible.

5 – Make Sure You’re Washing Properly

If your skin produces a lot of oil or has proven to be prone to acne, you’ve probably developed a habit of cleansing your skin too often in hopes of mitigating the problem. Despite the tip above about cutting down on bacteria, too much washing or scrubbing of the skin can be just as detrimental to the health of your skin. As you irritate it further, it will naturally flake and clog the pores all over again. Your skin might also merely produce even more oil as a means of compensation. Ideally, you should only need to wash your skin twice per day. Be sure to use a cleanser with a neutral PH level to keep the proper balance of moisture and bacteria. When you use washcloths, they should also be delicate; a baby washcloth will work wonders!

6 – Watch What You Eat

A balance diet is also essential for maintaining clear skin. You need as many nutrients as you can get, and antioxidants are also a must. Avoid dairy, starch, carb heavy foods, and anything processed. You should also avoid anything packaged in plastic if possible. The more natural ingredients you introduce into your diet, the better off you’ll be.