We’re Cepee and Annette, the women behind She Hit Refresh. In November 2017, we created an online community for like-minded women 30 years and older who want to break free from a life of routine and start a life of travel…and for those who already have! Our blog is a space to dive deeper into the “how” of hitting refresh on your life. We hope to provide you with information, advice, and real-life stories to help and inspire you on your own journey. We’ve got 6 reasons below for why you should hit refresh in 2018. What are you waiting for?
1. If not now, then when?
You’ve been thinking about it for years and asking… “How great would it be to just travel for awhile? How great would it be to just quit? I just need a break, a refresh.” When you consider these questions do you find yourself thinking this isn’t the right time? Honestly, is there ever a right time?
In theory, hitting the lottery, having little-to-no pressing responsibilities, or knowing that your loved ones are comfortable can be seen as conditions for the right time to hit refresh. In reality, these conditions rarely, if ever, sync up. So if you’re waiting for perfect conditions, you’ll never make this dream happen. We’re here to tell you IT’S TIME! Time to take the leap honey. What’s holding you back?
We have all lived long enough to know very well that the older we get, the more quickly time seems to pass. If you don’t act now, you may find yourself in the same place 5-10 years from now, wishing you would have made the leap years ago. If you’re in a position where you can execute on your dream, then do it! If not, then start planning your exit strategy and work on it a little bit everyday to get yourself one step closer to your “refresh.” Big life changes are definitely scary, we’ve been there, but we find comfort in knowing that we can always go back home.

2. Time to disrupt your life!
You’ve been in a funk, feeling like you’re on the hamster wheel of life and desperately need a change. Have you been following the conventional path for years on end? Are you in a lucrative job, maybe you have a mortgage, a weekly routine, or are in a relationship (that may or may not be working)? Do you feel trapped by your choices, possessions, routine, creature comforts, and stability? When you look back to last year and the years before, do you see yourself in the same place as you are now? If you can’t see yourself on this path for another year, then maybe trying something different is what you need to shake things up and get yourself out of your rut. A wise gray-haired physicist once defined insanity as doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results. There is no need to suffer if there is an alternative. You can find another great job, you can rent your house while you’re gone, or maybe you’re ready to sell, talk to your partner about making a change together, or if your run has come to an end, then maybe it’s time to let the relationship go. There’s nothing like the feeling of jumping into the unknown to make you feel alive like never before. Hitting refresh is an amazing way to do that.

3. Fresh eyes, fresh air, fresh perspective.
You’re unhappy and haven’t been able to find a way out of this mindset. If you are feeling lost in life, lonely, or focusing on all the wrong things, maybe it’s time to get a fresh perspective on who you are and what you want. That’s the beauty of travel: not only do you get to learn about other places, you also get to learn so much about yourself. Change and travel puts you in unique, uncomfortable and challenging positions, ultimately pushing you to grow and see yourself from a different perspective. You never know where your “hit refresh” journey will take you and what ideas you’ll come up with along the way. Maybe you’ll figure out a new career path, reevaluate your priorities, stumble upon a new opportunity, or maybe you’ll realize that home is home. Most often though, once you go back home, you see your previous life through a new lens and realize that the only thing that has changed is you.

4. Refresh yourself!
You can’t remember the last time you took a long break from reality, family, work and did something entirely for yourself. If you’re racking your brain to remember the last “me time” you had, then I think it’s time to hit refresh! Stepping out of your routine, planning for change, and finally, making the decision to refresh yourself, can feel scary. You might be even asking yourself, “is this crazy?” It’s not! You’re not! Take small steps to create your game plan. If you’re planning to step way out of your comfort zone, and that of those around you, you will probably deal with doubt, confusion and well-intentioned, unsolicited advice from people who might not understand your unconventional decision. Don’t let words of doubt get into your head and discourage your plans to follow an unconventional path. Your sanity and self-care is so important, and if your heart is telling you to take the path less traveled to recharge yourself, then start paving that path girl. The journey of life is not easy and we all need a break from the stresses and responsibilities that each of us carry. Take some time for yourself so you can return to your reality with new found energy.

5. Healthy and Wealthy
You’re healthy and you’ve got enough money to get up and go. The reality is, as much as we try to control our lives, nothing is guaranteed. We can never know what doors will open and what forks in the road we’ll encounter months, years, even decades from now. If you are fortunate to have a clean bill of health and money in the bank today, maybe it’s time to put those gifts toward something meaningful to you. Health issues can add unique obstacles to travel and can even delay or derail your plans. Of course having health issues is certainly not an inhibitor to hitting refresh; you know what’s best for you. You know your needs and where you stand health-wise.
Money spent on new experiences and travel is always well spent. You’ve probably heard the quote “travel is the only thing you can buy that makes you richer,” and we agree! Money can buy you memories and beautiful, expansive experiences, which are worth more than any material you could buy! Plus it comes and goes, and you can always make more. By hitting refresh while you’re physically and financially able, you will have experienced something that moves you, energizes you, and ultimately changes you, all in your prime. If you have your health and savings to make your “refresh” a reality, then what are you waiting for? Why not go and fulfill your dream of change, and travel while you have both to carry you along your journey?

6. Let freedom ring!
You’ve come into some new found freedom. Are you an empty nester, have you been laid off, or coming out of a long term relationship? Whatever your situation is, the transition from your former life to your new reality might have created a void, a feeling of loss, or just plain feeling lost. Instead of focusing on what is now lacking, you could view this as an opportunity to “hit refresh” and invest time in your lifelong desires. Use this time to figure out your new purpose, chase your dreams, travel the world, get creative, and dance with life as you discover new steps. Change is a process and it’s normal to feel fear as you enter this new phase of your life. Take your time to figure out what’s next for you and then start planning. Check out our Facebook group to talk to women who have been where you are and see what they have done. Just know this new found freedom can be used as a gift to explore who you are.

“You can’t keep putting aside what you want for some imaginary future. You just gotta suck it up and go with your gut.” — Megan from Laggies
Are you planning on hitting refresh this year? Tell us about your journey, we’d love to know!
She Hit Refresh is an online community that connects like-minded women age 30 and older who want to break free from their routine and start a life of travel..and for those that have already made the leap. View all posts by She Hit Refresh →
Originally published at shehitrefresh.com