Wait, did the clock dial complete a cycle of 2 hours?
Are you turning and tossing for such a long time, still cannot fall asleep?
And result?
You spend an unproductive day feeling drowsy and grumpy.
All these events resonate more or less with everyone’s daily life nowadays. Long term sleep deficiency and insomnia are common problems in people of all ages. A healthy adult requires a minimum of seven hours’ sleep. But many end up being awake till 3 a.m. for an unhealthy lifestyle.
Sleep is the most important recurring phenomenon. A good night’s sleep improves your mental and physical health. Your sleep schedule determines your productivity. It intensifies your cognitive development, body health, immunity, creativity, and weight. The ability to handle stress degrades by minimal sleep loss. Poor sleep negatively affects heart and health, increasing the propensity of obesity, and type two diabetes.
To restore your healthy sleep schedule, make necessary changes to your lifestyle. Switching to medications can cause long term side-effects like headaches, dizziness, dry mouth, abdominal discomfort, drowsiness, and many others. If pills are mandatory and prescribed by the doctor, continue them. But before that, try out these six tested ways to help you settle your excited stimuli at night.
1. Set your internal body clock to a fixed sleep schedule
The human body has a natural sleep-wake cycle. It is a cycle recurring every 24 hours and known as the circadian rhythm. By maintaining a routine for sleeping and waking up, you can set a default healthy schedule. The body feels energetic, refreshed, and productive by synchronizing with this circadian rhythm.
Try to avoid late rising on weekends. A little bit of irregularity can leave a negative impact on your body. If your work schedule demands rising late night, opt for a makeup nap than a full-time sleep.
2. Limit the blue light exposure after sunset
High screen time affects sleep. Electronic devices emit blue light, which reduces the secretion of melatonin. The pineal gland in the brain produces this hormone. It plays a vital role in regulating the natural sleep cycle of your body. Melatonin secretion is high in dark light. The blue light of digital screens obstructs this secretion.
By limiting blue light exposure, you can ensure better sleep. Do not use digital devices two hours before sleeping. Install apps in your mobile and tablets to reduce the harmful effect of blue light. Many smartphones and laptops have eye protection or night mode options. Make the best use of it to reduce the effect of blue light.
3. Expose yourself more to the bright daylight
Bright light exposure in the daytime affects sleep quality at night. It helps to enhance better sleep for a longer time, especially in patients with insomnia. Studies prove that 2 hours of exposure to bright light elongates sleep duration. It can increase your sleep efficiency by 80%.
Reserve considerable time in outdoor activities. Sometimes, artificial bulbs can serve the purpose too.
4. Avoid irregular naps in the daytime
After a tedious night spent in completing office work, power naps can be your energy booster. Limiting naps to a maximum of 30 minutes in the daytime can enhance your cognitive function. But too long naps can confuse your default body clock. It results in disturbed sleep at night.
Yet, naps may not affect when it becomes a habit. Still, limiting it can be beneficial for the body.
5. Set aside your caffeine source at late night
“I am consuming caffeine because it’s enhancing my focus”, says a coffee or tea lover. Many people consume caffeine because of its uncountable benefits. Are you among them too?
But do you know, it can disrupt your night sleep? If you had your last sip of coffee within 6 hours before going to bed, your sleep quality is going to worsen. Unfortunately, your favorite chocolate bar also contains caffeine. No need to give up all these eatables, but make sure to intake in healthy limits.
6. Keep exercising a part of your regular schedule
Along with improving metabolism, exercise can promote a good night’s sleep too. A brisk walk can increase the power of your sleep benefits. Besides, a light walk for 10 minutes can improve the quality of your sleep. But, it is better to complete brisk exercises three to four hours before bedtime. Yoga or body stretching exercises are also good sleep promoters.
There are many other natural ways to help you improve your sleep habit. An orthodox bed-time ritual and expert suggested food habits can be helpful. It is always good to adopt natural ways to regain a better sleep cycle and a healthy lifestyle.