Certain types of sitting ain’t good for us; it’s simple enough to reason this one out, but just in case you are not buying the word on the street here is a the latest research.
Here is another less easy to digest or reason out result of research:
Exercise alone can not undo the effects of sitting styled living.
We do have control, we can direct our attention in ways that do offer real results in how we can create positive movements as we work. But the problem, the only real obstacle is to invest time in learning how to create movements between the bones of the torso so that we can develop improved attention facility. This leads to the ability to learn to remind ourselves to improve HOW we sit, take breaks and choose our outside work activities productively and wisely.
One simple step is to realise that you can create movement in the skeletal connections of your torso:
Pelvis to spine, spine to ribs, ribs to shoulder blades, shoulder blades to collarbone, collarbone to breastbone.
Learning the Alexander technique is a practical and unique way to learn to move with improved efficiency, yes, even when you are sitting at work!
Why? Because the focus is on Learning (read: becoming autonomous!) and on how to create a practical model based on the essential ingredients of human wellbeing which leads back to learning the true principles which apply to:
1. atmospheric pressure
2. the equilibrium of the body
3. the centre of gravity
4. and the ease with which the movements related to breathing can take place.
The very central principle to learning and practicing with the Alexander technique is that tinny steps surmount to great change or as Herbert Spencer put it:
“If we contemplate the method of Nature, we see that everywhere vast results are brought about by accumulating minute actions”.
Then you can see that:
- You have control over your direction
- The balance and poise of your body can be a reflection of your mind but using this as a tool it is not as simple as you think nor or as boring as you think!
- There is a reward in knowing the true relationships between the core structure of your body and your head and limbs in practical daily living
- Breathing is key: Invest time in understanding the basics of thoracic and atmospheric pressure
- It’s not how much movement, it is the quality of movement and the process that creates the movement that results in stress reduction
- Learning to Listen to your body as a whole has countless positive fringe benefits!
Here is a tinny step you might want to practice to start the process of taking control, refining your direction, observing mind body connection, relate to your movement quality and reduce stress.
Originally published at medium.com