Even though 2016 had some rough patches, I stand here looking back in wonder and awe. Compared to the past few years in my life, last year was a walk in the park.
And to be honest, there were times in the past few years where I wondered if my time here on this planet was complete. I wondered if everything would really turn out alright and if I could truly continue moving forward. I wondered if I had enough courage and strength and love and grit to persevere.
I questioned often if I could keep going, if I could endure anything else. If I had the heart and the resolve not to give up and to carry on.
Obviously, that answer is YES — I can. And I will.
So I stand here feeling blessed and encouraged. I stand here feeling bold and inspired. I feel like a hero who has walked the most epic of journeys.
And if the past few years have taught me anything, it’s these:
1) Love can dissolve anything that is not loving
Within you is a well of love that when you fully tune into; that when you live and breath and walk and talk; that when you allow to infuse and spread throughout your entire being, will shift everything. There is no greater force in all the universe than love. It is the light that will lead to peace.
2) Your presence, your energy, and your commitment to YOU mean everything
The ONLY commitment you ever need make is to YOURSELF. And when you fully commit to you, to your being, to your infinite well of love, your energy and your presence will transform — not just you, but those around you. The energy you hold within you determines your outcomes. Your presence speaks volumes. Let it be loving. Let it be open. And compassionate. And true.
3) The world requires your magic
You have a contribution that only you can give. A legacy that only you can create. Greatness within you that requires your love and your presence so that you can share it with those whose lives you’re meant to touch. The world requires your magic and your love and your presence. And so do you.
4) You really do have everything you need within you
Your talents, your genius, your intuition, your energy all works FOR YOU. When you wholly and completely trust yourself and the universe — because you can’t trust one without the other — things begin to occur as if by magic. This is resonance. When you are at one with the universe, with love, with truth; when you BE perfectly, entirely you without reservation, unapologetically, wholeheartedly, you will move mountains. Your world will align and things will simply fall into place.
5) God whispers in the silent spaces — slow down and be still
When you slow down, everything else speeds up. You can hear the still, small voice of the universe and your intuition speaking through you. Taking time for you, for self-care, for unwinding, for rest and for play are paramount to your internal and external well-being. Nothing creates more forward movement and growth than slowing down and tuning into your heart and soul.
6) Find your tribe, love them hard and ask for help when you need it
We aren’t meant to walk this path alone. Be with people who ‘get’ you, people who love you for you. People who stand by you through all the ups and downs. They are invaluable. Love them deeply. And tell them often. And when you need help, don’t hide. Reach out and ask them for support. Having people who are there for you to lift you up and remind you of who you are is a precious, beautiful gift.
As we close out 2016, I urge you to find the good. To find the love and the compassion and the things and the people, the friendships, the relationships worth celebrating. Because even though there were some rough patches for all of us, there ARE things worth celebrating too.
And as we go into 2017, I encourage you to celebrate all of it — even the rough patches. I encourage you to find everything that worked for you and invite more of it into your world for the next year and beyond.
I encourage you to know that even if you failed — and trust me, I failed more times last year than not — failure is not meant to make you feel bad about yourself or your choices. It’s a tool to help you understand where you need to course correct and make decisions that will ultimately lead to success. It’s meant to aid you in reaching your goals.
So, I am bringing these 6 things into 2017 with me and I am allowing everything that is unreal, powerless, low vibration, fictional, inauthentic, uncertain, deceiving, false, misleading or doubtful to fall away.
I choose to be the most powerful, high caliber, loving, me possible in all the work I do. Instead of being the 90%, I choose to be the 10%. I choose to be the 10% that is Extraordinary. Refined. Remarkable. Elite. And beyond.
No limits. No roles. No holding back.
Who’s with me?
If you’re ready to embody your message and your mission on this planet, I’d love to speak with you. Fill out the application on my website and I’ll be in touch to setup a conversation. https://annieanderson.com/new-application/
Originally published at medium.com