Regardless of what you do in life, your personal brand is important and vital to your success. You want to present yourself in a positive and accurate way, especially on social media. It’s never too early to start focusing on the brand you’re creating on your social media profiles, especially if you’re working on something that requires you to frequently post online. Maybe you’re a blogger, starting your own business, or working toward becoming a social media influencer. No matter what it is, there are certain tips and tricks you can use that’ll help you create a fantastic personal brand.
Plan it out
The first, and arguably most important, step you can take is planning out your brand. Don’t worry if this step takes a while. The last mistake you want to make is rushing the development of your brand and realizing that you do not have a solid plan and then creating a sloppy brand. Take your time in planning, identifying your target audience, and understanding what you want your brand to accomplish for you. Pick out a style you want for your brand and a color palette you can use on your online profiles.
Create profiles
As you begin planning out your brand, you can simultaneously do this step. Secure online domains and profiles for your brand, such as social media accounts you’ll be using and even a website. No matter what you do, a website can be incredibly useful, even if you simply own the domain for your name. Eventually, you might want a website with your name. Make sure your name is the same across your profiles and people can easily find them when looking you up online.
Optimize your profiles
Once you’ve planned out how you want your brand to look and feel, begin optimizing your profiles. Use your color palette and create graphics or take pictures you can share on your social media profiles. Connect them to one another and begin cultivating a following. Use the best tactics for getting your profiles noticed by other users and search engines so you can get your brand out there!
Post consistently
One of the best ways you can generate a following on your social profiles and bring attention to your personal brand is through consistent posting on your sites. Generate regular content, whether through posts, blogs, or pictures. Creating quality content that’s consistent with your brand is incredibly important to growing and developing your brand.
Interact with followers
When you’re focusing on creating a fantastic personal brand, you need to interact and value your followers. Like posts from people you follow, share posts that relate to your brand, and reply to comments from followers. Creating organic interaction is incredibly valuable and strengthens your brand.
Study other brands
As you continue working on your brand and increasing engagement, make time to study other brands. Developments are always being made regarding best practices and it can be helpful to stay up-to-date with certain trends when it comes to branding. See what does and doesn’t work for other brands and then take some tips to incorporate into your own brand.
Originally published at www.aprilmalmsteen.com