Waking up on a morning

Opening up the news app on your phone or turning on the TV, it’s easy to get caught up in every aspect of the COVID-19 pandemic situation. You might be working from home. You might be caring for children or other loved ones. With all of the changes and less mobility overall, it can be even more of a challenge than usual to stay healthy and productive. It can be helpful, though, to think of this period as a reset time to take good care of yourself and cultivate habits that keep you engaged and productive. Here are a few ideas to try.

1. Focus on Wellness

Stick with the basics. Eat the right amount of delicious, nutrient-dense food for your needs and season of life. Find an exercise routine that you love and that also helps you improve your cardiovascular health, strength, and flexibility. Go outdoors to exercise as much as possible; nature heals. Get clearance from a trusted health practitioner before you start exercising. Get sufficient restorative sleep — 7-8 hours a night is optimal. Stay hydrated, and keep up with any maintenance visits that are necessary to promote your physical and mental health. Need some additional nutritional assistance? Do some research into topics like thrive side effects to find a product that works for you. If you stay mindful of your health, you’ll notice increased energy and focus that’ll make you more productive.

2. Declutter Your Life

Do you have drawers or cabinets that are stuffed and make you frustrated whenever you open them? Consider decluttering your living and working space. It doesn’t have to be all at once. Keep in mind that decluttering means more than simply moving your things into new containers — it also means letting go of items that no longer serve you and your family. Decluttering leads to lowered anxiety and clearer thinking — a big boost for relaxed productivity.

3. Focus on the Positive

When you’re less active in the outside world, your thinking can go into default mode. Often, that means focusing on the past or rehearsing worst-case scenarios. While it’s important not to sweep difficult issues under the rug, it’s just as important to allow yourself to focus on positive, life-giving things. If you are fortunate enough to have a job, keep your attention on it. If you enjoy journaling and making gratitude lists, do it. Keep your news consumption under control, and moderate your digital intake. Enjoy your environment, sensory pleasures, and the printed page.

4. Stay Current

Whether you have a job or are looking for a job, keep your resume updated and your antenna out in case you need to make a pivot. Being proactive helps decrease free-floating doubt and gives you a “plan B” should your circumstances change. Spending just an hour or two on this task per week will help you feel more stable and optimistic. It also frees you up to focus on the tasks at hand.

5. Stay in Relationship

You might be getting together with friends and family less often for safety’s sake, and that’s a good thing. That said, don’t lose contact with your support systems! As often as you can, go for safe walks outdoors, join an active and positive online group, and enjoy texting and talking on the phone with people who are important to you. Then when you get back into your solitary space, you’ll be rejuvenated and better able to focus.

6. Learn Something New

Interested in learning a new language or craft? Now is a great time to do it. The well-being benefits are high; learning new things keeps you sharp. Make sure the activity you choose is something you’re really interested in — and if possible, something that links you to a positive future. Online learning opportunities abound — and so are socially-distanced situations.

Improving your productivity during the pandemic means being intentional about your physical, emotional, and spiritual wellness. Try these ideas to get started!
