7 mental health apps for techies

Mental health is crucial for anyone, but especially necessary for people who spend their days surrounded by technology. Despite being more connected than ever, being absorbed in a world of technology can lead to further feelings of isolation. With more conversations around mental health, though, technology entrepreneurs are beginning to understand how to use apps to assist with mental health (and encourage people to unplug more often).

If you’re looking for assistance to strengthen your mental health, check out these 7 apps that will help you along the way. Keep in mind that you can use these apps wherever you can squeeze in some time for yourself – at home, at the office, in between sessions at conferences, or during your commute.


Focusing on guided meditation and mindfulness, the Headspace app offers users the chance to take some time for themselves. Knowing many people have trouble simply sitting down to meditate, Headspace acts like a digital meditation guru, giving you choice over what you need and what experience you want.

To get the app, register online then download it (Android or iPhone).


Describing itself as a “portable stress management tool”, the app focuses on education around stress and its effects on the body. From there, the app teaches users how to properly breathe for stress relief, specifically focusing on using the diaphragm (the part of your body near your lower stomach).

Get the app for Android and iPhone.

What’s Up?

What’s Up? leverages cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and acceptance commitment therapy (ACT) to help people cope with depression, anxiety, and other mental health challenges. CBT looks at how people can alter their behaviour to train new habits, while ACT teaches acceptance and processing of negative emotions so they don’t take over your life or completely ruin your day.

What’s Up? is available for iPhone.


MindShift is a new app, specifically targeting youth with anxiety. The app uses CBT principles to help users cope with anxiety and protect yourself from anxiety ruining your day or worse.

MindShift is available for iPhone.


Focusing on stress reduction and helping people sleep better, Calm is a meditation app that offers music, videos, and other meditation sessions to help the body rest, calm down, and become more resilient to stress and anxiety.

Calm is available for iPhone.


Optimism is a mental health app that lets users track their mood. Specifically made for people with mood disorders, such as Bipolar disorder, the app empowers patients to better describe how they feel at various times throughout their day, aiding their psychiatric care. The app also offers strategies for coping, meaning users get some on-the-go suggestions to help them between doctor’s appointments.

Optimism is available for download through iTunes.


Pacifica uses CBT and mindfulness strategies to help users cope with and overcome anxiety and depression. Billing itself as an app to help people reduce stress and feel better, the platform gives guided meditations, tools to track moods, and mental health goal tracking to help people stay on track.

Get Pacifica on Android and iPhone.

Mental health is health

Every muscle in the human body is designed to be used; if it’s not used, it weakens over time. The same goes for the brain, a powerful muscle that controls the whole body. Caring for mental health (and using various strategies to do it, much like there are multiple ways to work out every muscle) is a crucial part of overall holistic health.

For people who work in creative industries or hope to innovate and build the future, focusing on mental health and physical strength gives you the best chance to operate in top shape.

Research for this article powered by Tech Daily.