New year, new you. Isn’t that the saying?! Whether you’re looking for a life overhaul this month or just looking to be your best self in 2017, now’s the perfect time to:

  • Refresh your approach to your job
  • Get inspired about the potential of your career
  • Start taking action steps to starting a creative side project
  • Finally start creating a game plan for getting your entrepreneurial idea off the ground

Here are 7 books we highly recommend to help you get inspired and motivated to boost your career (and life!):

Originals by Adam Grant

The tagline for this book is “How Non-Conformists Move the World.” Read: how not being like everyone else is actually an asset. This book will help you see the benefit to taking the road less traveled and then get you ready to blaze your own path.

Presence by Amy Cuddy

After reading Presence, you’ll be ready to make 2017 the year of confidence, poise, and, well, an unforgettable presence. Go beyond power posing and into the depths of social psychology with this popular Harvard social psychologist.

Grit by Angela Duckworth

This breakaway bestseller is flying off the shelf, so there’s a high probability you may have already received this book as a holiday gift. Angela Duckworth is dethroning the idea that possessing intelligence and talent is the foundation for success. Instead, it’s this idea of “grit” that’s the secret to getting what you want.

Getting More: How You Can Negotiate to Succeed in Work and Life by Stuart Diamond

Do you want to ask for a raise this year? Or seal an impressive business deal?

Want access to the insights on how to be a better negotiator from an expert negotiator? Then read this book. Bonus: You’ll also learn how to apply your new negotiations skills to your advantage outside of the office.

Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman

You know all about IQ, but do you know about EQ? EQ refers to your emotional intelligence, and it’s arguably just as important as your IQ. This book stands the test of time as an ultimate resource on how to increase your EQ.

The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg

How do you make good habits and then how do you keep them? This book is not a step-by-step on what exactly you should do to make a habit and stick with it. Rather, this book goes far past the superficial and into the depths of business and psychology to explain how habits work.

Damn Good Advice (For People With Talent) by George Lois

Take a break from dense chapters with this artfully created book. But don’t let the whimsy fool you: it still packs a punch with relevant, insightful, and influential information on how to succeed in your career.

TagsAuthorsBooksCareer AdviceSelf Help

Categories Career Advice, Watercooler

Originally published at on January 5, 2017.

Originally published at