Going through a divorce is a stressful and painful situation that can wreak havoc on your physical and mental health. Therefore, it’s important that you take care of your body to prevent any long-lasting adverse health effects. Here are seven tips on how to stay healthy after a divorce.
Eat Well
Although eating may be the last thing you want to do when you’re going through a distressing situation, eating a healthy diet is crucial in keeping your body healthy and providing it with the fuel it needs to strengthen your immune system. Be sure to eat a nutritious diet full of fruits, vegetables, protein and whole grains and stay away from refined sugars, saturated fats and fried foods. If you don’t have much of an appetite, try supplementing with smoothies, protein shakes or soups. These are great ways to provide your body with the nutrients it needs without having to force yourself to eat when you don’t feel hungry.
Take Vitamins and Supplements
An easy and effective way to provide your body with the nutrients that it might not be getting from food is to take vitamins and supplements. Vitamin B12, glycine and L-theanine have been shown to reduce anxiety and combat fatigue. Additionally, supplement green can decrease stress levels and support restful sleep. Taking vitamins and supplements can be a helpful addition to your diet, supplying your body with fuel to power you through the day.
Practice Meditation
Meditation is an age-old practice that has been scientifically shown to have numerous benefits. One of meditation’s greatest advantages is its ability to reduce stress by decreasing cortisol levels in the body. Cortisol is a hormone that gives rise to the stress and inflammatory responses. Practicing meditation daily can reduce cortisol and therefore leave you feeling more relaxed. Meditation has also been shown to strengthen the immune system and decrease acute and chronic pain. In addition to its numerous physical health benefits, meditating can benefit your mental health by improving your self-esteem, enhancing your concentration and allowing you to gain control over complicated emotions you may be feeling. The good news is that you can practice meditation anywhere, unlike other hobbies or activities that require space and equipment.
Reach Out to Others
Establishing a support system can be a great way to guide you through this difficult period. Make sure that you’re not isolating yourself by reaching out to friends and family. Even though they might not be able to give you advice, they can sympathize with you and provide you with the emotional support that you need. However, if you feel that you do need professional help, be sure to reach out to a counselor or therapist.
Find a Creative Outlet
Instead of focusing your energy on negative emotions such as anger, frustration and sadness, find a creative outlet or hobby. Making time for yourself is an important part of maintaining your well-being. Hobbies such as playing a musical instrument, knitting and hiking have all been scientifically shown to reduce stress and promote positive mental health. Even if it feels like you’re forcing yourself at first, taking part in hobbies can do wonders for your physical and mental health.
Get Some Exercise
You’ve probably heard it before, but exercising is an extremely effective method of improving your overall well-being. It may be difficult to motivate yourself to exercise during this difficult time, so it’s important not to push yourself too far before you’re ready. You don’t have to join a gym or purchase any equipment. Simply going for a 30-minute walk can increase feel-good chemicals in your brain called endorphins, which can decrease anxiety and depression, improve sleep and raise self-esteem. If you’re finding it difficult to exercise regularly, try working out with a friend or family member who can make the experience more enjoyable and also hold you responsible for keeping up your routine.
Allow Yourself to Feel Your Emotions
People are often told to pull themselves together, dry their tears and put on a brave face. However, denying yourself the permission to fully feel your emotions can actually be detrimental to your mental health. Feeling a wide and complex range of emotions after a divorce is completely normal, and while you should still find a creative outlet or hobby to pour your energy into, it’s also important that you deal with your feelings. Once you’ve fully processed your emotions, which is unfortunately an inevitable part of the grieving process, you can finally move past this stage of your life and enter the road to recovery.
Although you may not feel motivated to take care of your body during this challenging time, it’s vital to tend to both your physical and mental health. Following these guidelines can help you get back on track to a healthy lifestyle after your divorce.