We live in the digital information age, and there is no shortage of distractions. We have access to blogs, podcasts, and videos that can provide inspiration and instruction. We have access to knowledge that helps us accomplish our major goals. With this unparalleled access has also come distractions that keep us from staying focused. A lack of focus then leads to a loss of motivation.

Making changes and working on goals is a hard enough task on its own. It requires an enormous and constant amount of inspiration to reach success in what you’re trying to accomplish. It takes motivation every day to stay focused on the why that’s fueling your growth goals.

Start With Clear Growth Goals

The journey to create success has to start with a plan and that plan is created by the goals you set. Your goals are your why and the reasons you’re on this growth journey. Your goals should be clear, actionable, and have a definite timeline. They should be written down either in a note, on your computer or phone, or on something such as a vision board. Know what you want from your life and how your goals can help you get there.

Create an Optimized Routine

We’ve already established that goals get accomplished with a plan. In addition, have a clear finish line in each major area of your life. You should consider taking time the night before to plan your days. A lot of times, people get frustrated from a lack of organization. Spend a little time each night setting priorities and then secondary goals that you’ll get to if you accomplish all of the priorities. Create an optimized daily routine.

Be Sure to Get Enough Sleep

A major reason you may lack motivation is that you’re not getting enough sleep. What the proper amount is will be different for each person reading this. But, you better believe in the importance of a good night’s rest. It’s easy to sacrifice sleep in hopes of getting more accomplished. You tell yourself that the goal is too important. It is, but being rested is just as important.

Understand and Practice Self Prioritization

Technology has been amazing in helping us create success in our lives but we need a break at times. Your morning should be yours — you should have some time away from technology to collect your thoughts and refocus. That time could be spent meditating or simply closing your eyes and tuning out your hectic schedule. Spend a little bit of time each morning getting mentally prepared for all that you’ll battle each day.

Avoid Distractions

To stay focused and motivated, you have to avoid the things that will get you off course. We’ve talked about technology and the Internet — they can help and hurt your progress. You should also avoid people that aren’t trying to get ahead in life. Their negative words and actions will feed into your limiting beliefs and hurt your motivation. Surround yourself with people who inspire you to be more in life.

Schedule Personal Growth Time

In your daily planning, set aside time for personal growth study. Read a good book; listen to an inspiring interview with someone you admire. Watch a video that helps you see life and your goals in a different light. A daily dose of inspiration will help you keep those limiting beliefs at bay.

Respect Time

Life is short. Conceptually, we know this but too often we don’t live our life that way. When you view life and time as precious, you tend to not waste time. You’re accomplishing these major goals to create a life of freedom — always remember your why.

The best way to accomplish any major goal is to break it down into bite-size daily actions. You want to stay motivated each day because focusing on one day at a time is the best way to achieve success. You want to have a general plan, but the daily execution is what helps you make progress.

You have everything you need to make changes and accomplish major goals. You can do things that too many leaders believe are impossible. It starts with believing, and then taking action. Use these tips to stay motivated for growth.

Photo Credit: @contentpixie on Unsplash