Would you like to know some productivity strategies for top achievers?
Okay, great.
But before I share them with you, let’s explore three important facts:
First, excellence and success depend on productivity. In fact, learning how to be more productive is a super-skill because you need it in all spheres of life.
Second, let’s be frank, you know many “smart” folks who are mediocre and dead broke. Yes or yes? In contrast, you also know a few people who are at the top of their game and who make millions with ease. Right?
What do you think accounts for the difference?
Third, the super excellent and rich use strategies that the poor and mediocre don’t. Are you using these strategies? If you’re not, you should.
It’s because they literally transform lives.
So if you sit a spell with me, I’ll share seven life-changing productivity strategies with you.
Let’s dive into the deep end.
7 Effective Productivity Strategies
- Pareto Principle
- Eliminate distractions
- Use Other people’s resources and automation
- Design your day
- Install positive rituals
- Keep a scorecard
- Upgrade your health
What do these productivity strategies entail?
Pareto Principle
The 80/20 rule, means that only 20 percent of factors trigger 80 percent of results. So, how do you use it? Pick an area you’d like to improve and write a list of required resources and tasks. Then analyze them and you’d realize some are more important.
Concentrate on the most important ones. As an example, you should prioritize marketing because it could lead you to financial freedom, fast.
Eliminate distractions
Technology has brought amazing blessings. For instance, we can connect with people millions of miles away. But some blessings can become curses. How? If you spend hours (each day) on what does not add value to your life.
So how do you make the best use of each day? Just eliminate distractions and focus on your objectives.
Use other people’s resources and automation
To become excellent and financially free appears to be a solitary venture, but it is not. The fact is there’s a limit to what we can achieve alone. This is why it’s smart to complement our efforts by building great teams and using automation.
Think about this: “If you could have done it on your own, you would have by now”.
Since you haven’t, you’d agree that it might be helpful to form partnerships, use consultants, and coaches, outsource certain tasks, engage virtual assistants, and use automation to multiply your output.
Let me share a powerful quote with you: “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”
Design your day
Frankly, no one becomes excellent and financially free by chance. In fact, wealth and exceptional achievements are a product of design. So, you need to schedule your days ahead, in such a way that you’re devoting a huge chunk of your time to your priorities.
Because, how you spend your days is a powerful predictor of your destiny. For this reason, identify and concentrate on the 3 most vital tasks each day.
Install positive rituals
It turns out that it’s not what you do occasionally that’d make you productive. It’s actually what you do day in day out. As an example, think of the best athletes. They train daily even when the competition is still months or years away!
Why? It’s because they know Aristotle was right when he wrote “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.”
So make sure you turn major tasks into daily rituals.
Keep a scorecard
If you want to improve any area, keep records of your performance, and leverage relevant metrics. Because studies confirm that what we track improves. Why? We can monitor our progress and focus on specifics.
So keep records of your objectives, observations, and how you’re measuring up. Do this at least each week and your productivity would skyrocket.
Upgrade your health
To perform at an optimal level, improve, and monitor your health regularly. Be proactive, don’t wait for illnesses to strike before taking action.
Truly, being healthy enhances productivity. That’s why it’s smart to improve your nutrition, sleep, exercise…
Above all, take action, so you’d begin to experience higher productivity.
Finally, what other super effective productivity strategies do you use? Please, share in the comments section.
Michael Newman