Innovation is definitely one of the hottest topics in the business world and the enterprise. More and more companies are opening their minds to find new opportunities, but above all, looking for ways to generate a culture of innovation in all areas of their business. For companies that are concerned with stimulating and exploring innovation as well as creative thinking within the company, it is time to start with a process that, if done correctly, will certainly bring great benefits. Here are 7 recommendations towards a culture of business innovation by InventHelp:
1 Prepare the ground
Innovation only occurs in a suitable environment, not only to innovate but to create a space that invites to share and expose new ideas. From the beginning, it is important to make it clear that each employee is invited to participate in the innovation.
2 Define the objective of innovation
It is important from the beginning to define in a concrete and clear way where efforts to innovate are directed. Knowing in advance where we want to go, allows us to develop opportunities based on these guidelines. It is important because even from this objective, it is possible to question it, ask the right questions, and focus the multidisciplinary human talent to develop it.
3 Innovation is not just “for creatives”
All people in a company are innovative agents and creative motors. Innovation is not an individual sport; it is the set of skills united to reach a goal, and the more different the better. We must try not to make the mistake of classifying creativity for “the creative department” and generating a panorama where different profiles can participate in the development of innovation. Invite your accountants to work on an innovation objective related to Marketing, graphic designers with turnover, cleaning people to prototype a possible product, etc.
4 Empower people to work as a team and share their ideas
The teamwork is one of the keys to creating solutions much more effective and rich. The power of the collective mind is powerful, the possibility of combining experiences, points of view, and ideas is the most effective step to create a culture of innovation and openness to ideas in a company. Also as a benefit, people by working and being taken into account beyond the established tasks of their employment, generate a feeling of belonging and loyalty to the company. It is important to invite and empower people to participate in and present their new ideas and opinions.
5 Creativity if and structure, too
Creating spaces to “think outside the box” is a good start and an important step in creating a culture of innovation. But if after a brainstorming session, the ideas just stick to the wall; nothing will happen. It is important that as well as defining the objective of innovation, having articulated steps to land innovative concepts and work to make them feasible. Creativity and co-creation work, but there must be a thread where it engages with these great ideas to meet the business criteria.
6 Print a plurality of profiles to your innovation sessions
Always working with the same people can become repetitive. In terms of product and service innovation, an effective tool is to co-create with your potential customer. What better than creating a product, in a team with the person who will use it in the future? It is also an interesting idea to invite people with disruptive profiles, to print new points of view. People with other types of technical, artistic, etc. In this sense, create the best creative mix you can and the results will be surprising.
7 Ask, investigate, and ask again
We live in the information age, but the reality is that we do not know everything and less by magic. Innovating is not a game of chance, it is a process. It is important to analyze and be aware of trends and the market environment; as well as continuous monitoring of the wishes and needs of customers and the competition. Also innovating is opening the doors to learn and relearn, continually consult with your customers and employees about their experiences, as well as feedback in general. Create a continuous connection with everyone involved in the company. Another good idea is the possibility of seeking external help: business advisers, designers, consultants; to find new ways of solve problems or boost your business.
Innovating is a way of thinking. It is being open to new ideas and adapting to change. It is a continuous work, but the reward is to build in the community your own competitive advantage of your business.