“Is he sleeping through the night yet?”
How do I have any chance of sticking to a morning ritual when I have a new baby boy sleeping next to me? Not to mention a 3 year old in the next room.
At the advice of an acupuncturist, the first 4 weeks of his life was my ‘4th trimester’. It was all about nourishing food, getting support from friends and family, and sleeping when I got the chance.
My morning ritual disappeared and instead, I’d meditate when I breastfed in the middle of the night. And my gratitude practice shifted as each time my feet hit the floor to pick up my crying baby during the night, I would take a moment to be grateful that I had this beautiful boy to love.
Now that he’s 8 weeks old I’m back to a morning routine for myself! I have my modified ‘life with a newborn baby morning routine’ written down and stuck where I can see it when I open my tired eyes. Yes, like any mother, I’d love to collapse back into bed and sleep until lunch time.
I’ve also learned that for me to be a better mom and wife, and for me to feel good, I need my morning ritual. And that means waking up a bit earlier than the kids. For me to function and be productive, feel more creative and energized, experience more happiness, patience and joy in my day, I do this:
1) Water — Drink water to rehydrate (even more while I’m breastfeeding!)
2) Gratitude — When my feet touch the ground I take a moment to be grateful
3) Intention — I set my intention for the day, which is based on my ‘purpose statement’ (Thank you Brendon Burchard for encouraging me to do this!)
4) Yoga — I’ve just woken up so I do some gentle yoga as I’m especially kind to my spine at this time of the day
5) Meditate — I’m a meditation coach so it’s no surprize I meditate! But you know what’s great? If you practice yoga and use your breath consciously when you do it, you’re already meditating! So 4 and 5 can be combined if one of my kids wakes early. Woo-hoo!
6) Guidance — I pull a card for myself. Usually an angel card by Doreen Virtue and I love that I’m always given the answer I need.
7) Journal — Writing helps move my thoughts out of the merry-go-round in my mind and onto the page where I can action it, solidify an idea, or process what I’m feeling. And while I write, even more ideas flow.
The night before is also an important element to my morning routine.
At night I set an intention for the coming day and I meditate before I fall asleep. Intention setting and meditation at night is crucial for the next morning. You clean your body before bed right? So why not your mind?
I have shared with you my personal morning ritual as a busy full time stay-at-home mom to a newborn and 3 year old, a wife, and an entrepreneur. These may not be your thing. You might prefer the approach my husband is trying out: a fat black coffee, a 10 mile run into work and a cold shower!
Whatever you decide, the most important thing is that you do it. Give yourself some ‘me time’ each morning before turning on your phone or checking your inbox.
Your morning routine should be sacred. It creates the space for you to have an amazing day.
Originally published at medium.com