Self-confidence is about more than knowing you can pull off a new fashion trend or feeling like you’re ready for a promotion at work. It bleeds into many facets of your life and can lead to increased resilience, more motivation and better relationships.
But confidence doesn’t come easy to everyone, with some people even unintentionally soliciting negative feedback from others. Luckily, there are ways to boost your confidence — here’s how.
Change the way you talk to, and about, yourself
Limiting beliefs can put a barrier between you and your self-confidence. When you have a negative narrative about yourself, it’s almost impossible to overcome. For example, suppose you’re about to attend a large conference, and you’ve always told yourself that you’re shy. This mindset already sets you up for failure and could lead to unnecessary stress and anxiety.
Instead, try changing the narrative and tell yourself you’re brave and everyone you meet loves getting to know you. Internalizing a strong, confident self can make it easier to project that persona to others.
Track any and all progress
One of the best ways to do away with self-doubt is to set goals and monitor your progress. Achieving goals both big and small boosts your confidence because you can actually quantify your success. So, whether you want to quickly save some cash for a vacation to Maui or graduate from college, tracking your progress can help you see how close you are to achieving your dreams.
Start by writing down your goals. Then, as you make progress toward them, record your efforts. For example, if your goal is to save $1,000, record how much you save every week. Watching your progress will help you see firsthand that you’re capable of achieving anything you put your mind to.
Step outside your comfort zone
Contrary to how it sounds, trying things outside of your comfort zone can actually help you feel more confident. Why? Because exposure to different people, places or events will broaden the number and types of experience you have, helping to diminish uncertainty the next time you find yourself in that position.
An expanded comfort zone means you’ll have the knowledge and wherewithal to handle a multitude of situations, but that doesn’t mean you have to accomplish something thrilling, like skydiving, every day. It can be as simple as striking up a conversation with a stranger at the grocery store or trying new food at your favorite restaurant.
Acknowledge that you don’t know what you don’t know
We live in an age where any and all information can be accessed with a quick internet search, but that doesn’t mean you’re expected to know everything about everything. Maybe you’ve heard from friends and family that you can save nearly $500 annually if you shop around for insurance but you have no idea how to evaluate a policy. It’s OK to take a step back, ask for help and rely on experts to provide accurate information: a physical trainer about the best exercises to target your deltoids or a doctor about the constant ringing in your ear, for example.
Not knowing the answer to a problem may make you feel inadequate, but asking questions will help you learn and grow as an individual. And the next time you’re faced with the problem, you can use your newly acquired knowledge to help put you on the right path.
Elevate your strengths
It’s often easier to remember our failures than our successes, so remind yourself of what you’re already good at. Taking the time to evaluate your strengths, accomplishments and what you’re proud of is a great confidence booster.
Your accomplishments could be a big job promotion or a simple gesture like remembering a family member’s birthday. Every accomplishment is worth a celebration. The more you can embrace your triumphs, the better you will feel about yourself.
Give back to others
Volunteering and giving back to others provides a natural sense of accomplishment. It also gives you meaning and a sense of purpose when helping someone or a cause you care about.
Additionally, you may develop a sense of belonging and being a part of something greater than yourself. Giving back acts as a great distraction, especially when you’re feeling self-doubt. So, get involved in a cause you’re passionate about and focus on what you can do to help.
Do a posture check
Poor posture can put a strain on the spine. Adjusting your posture not only improves spine support but can also boost your confidence, according to a study from NeuroRegulation. Researchers discovered that men and women experienced a significant decline in negative thoughts, anxiety and tension when they were sitting straight up compared to slouching.
If you’re in need of a quick confidence boost, take a second to adjust how you’re sitting or standing so that you’re projecting composure and strength.
Moving your body helps you feel good about yourself. The Mayo Clinic suggests that regular exercise leads to feeling better about your appearance and increasing your self-esteem.
In addition to improving your confidence, exercise can lower stress levels, treat depression and make you happier and healthier overall, according to the Cleveland Clinic. So, even if you only have a few minutes each day, put your body into action and carve out some time for physical activity.