Unbeknownst to many, the art of writing as so many positive health and mental benefits. Many people choose to write a diary or a journal. Others have been advised to start writing letters to themselves or others, regardless of whether those other people will read it. At its core, writing is the ideal way of expressing your emotions, getting your thoughts and feelings down on paper which can help to relieve some of the racing thoughts that would otherwise build up in your head, causing stress, anxiety and other negative feelings.
Whether you’re looking for new ways to express yourself or seeking out methods to benefit your mental well-being, here are seven essential tips to help you start writing.
Start Off Small
If you’re just starting your writing passion, there’s no need to start by creating a 10,000-word short story. Even just by writing a few short paragraphs a day is a fantastic way to make a start. You don’t even have to write paragraphs. Simply writing down a list of notes of thoughts and feelings in your head will make a dramatic difference to you mentally, freeing up your mind to focus on the more positive aspects of life.
Be Present
When writing, the best forms of text come to those who are present. This means writing down your thoughts and feelings as they are in your head right now. This will give you the ability to write fluently and with much more ease than if you were trying to write about something that happened the week before.
Collin Bennet, editor for EliteAssignmentHelp, advises;
“When I’m writing for myself, or even sometimes at work, I always do a little ten-minute meditation session. There are countless free guided meditations online you can use to clear your mind so when you do sit down to write, the thoughts and feelings can be expressed naturally.”
Highlight the Positives
When you’re writing, don’t solely focus on writing down the negative emotions. Ensure that you include some positives. This way, while you’re writing, you can smile as you write as you jot down any happy thoughts and feelings. As we all know, the more you smile, the happier you’ll be!
Let Your Mind Be Free
You’re not writing an article or a novel, so there’s no need for structure or format, especially when you’re starting out. Let your mind wander and write down whatever comes to mind. Even when you’re reading your written work back to yourself, it doesn’t have to make sense then, as long as you were expressing yourself how you wanted to at the time. Format and structure will come naturally with practice.
Jack Smothers, a writer for Research Paper Writing Service and OXEssays, explains;
“It was only with constant practice and habit that I was able to develop my skills. The best bit about it? It came naturally through practice, just like any other skill.”
Create a Habit
The more you practice writing for yourself, the easier it will become. This is true for all aspects of the skill. If you set a designated time for writing each day, say, 15 minutes before you go to bed, you can be sure that the habit will stick. With habit, you’ll develop your skills much quicker and you’ll find writing easier and easier.
Seek Guidance to Develop Skills
You wouldn’t want to read a book that’s poorly written. This may not be important once you start writing but, from experience, writing is a skill you learn to love over time. Once you’ve started to develop your skills, there’s no harm in seeking professional advice from a professional writer who can guide you into perfecting your work. Websites, such as State Of Writing, are home to a wealth of writers that are always on hand when you need them!
Don’t Pressure Yourself
If you’re going through a hard time and there’s a lot on your plate, don’t worry if you don’t have time to write. Although habit forming is important for the benefits if you need to take a day off, don’t punish yourself for doing so. Just write when and where you can. When you find the time to write, pick up your pen and so do, but all in your own time.