I’ve noticed that many of the job seekers I talk to don’t utilize #LinkedIn for reasons other than job search. They’ll use it while they are searching, but only use it sporadically. If they happen to get a job fairly quickly, they ditch it altogether.
I get that. You got your job and you’re moving onward.
However, there are so many other ways staying on LinkedIn and continuing to use it will help propel your career even after you are in a new role.
It’s a great platform to help you build authority as a thought leader! ? Even if you are settling nicely into your new role, it looks good for your company if one of their top performers also has a strong digital footprint.
What are some ways you can do this? Keep using LinkedIn. Keep adding to the discussion. Keep voicing your opinion.
Here are some ways you can do this:
➊ ???????? ???? ???????. Fill in all the areas. Top to bottom. Leaving sections blank leaves questions unanswered. Be as thorough as possible. You won’t believe how many times I see the Contact section left blank, or the About section empty, or just job titles where juicy snippets of your role could be in their place.
➋ ????? ???????. Show your #expertise with articles or posts–either share or write them. They both remain on your profile for others to view. Posting lets people know that you have something to say. Once they start reading your posts and commenting on them, LinkedIn’s algorithms will start putting your posts in front of them every time you post something new. Those people will soon become your biggest fans and will comment on your posts and articles.
➌ ???? ???????????. Read something that pertains to your field? Talk about it. Add your .02 and expertise or experience. Sharing your #knowledge builds your credibility. Try LI groups for this as well. The more you join in, the more people will look to you for your answers. You have a special set of skills and opinions. Share them with the world.
➍ ???????. Connect with people in (and out of) your industry. Comment on their posts and build a stronger, supportive #relationship. So many people I talk to say, “I don’t know them. Why would I connect with them?” Well, that is the point. We are networking here on LI. The point is to expand, stretch, and meet new people. You wouldn’t go to a networking event and sniff your nose at people who’ve walked up to you to talk with you and meet you. No, you would extend your hand, smile, and say Hello. Do that here.
➎ ??????. It sounds repetitive, but the more you engage and offer #value, the more you stand out as an expert in your field. Comment on other people’s posts. Join discussions. Get to know others. They don’t have to be in your field. It doesn’t always have to be work-based either. It’s OK to develop relationships on fun discussions as well. When I posted about (my struggles) making Lemon Meringue pie there was so much lively, fun discussion afterward from people who might not have comment otherwise.
➏ ???????. Take a course or certification? Add it. Take some LinkedIn Learning courses. Add those, too. Masterclasses? You don’t have to add just new degrees. Continually adding to and learning from others is important as well.
➐ ??????. Make a plan to use LI three times a week, ten minutes a day. The more you use LinkedIn, the more it will work for you! I know it can seem like a commitment. When I first decided to go full force with LinkedIn (as a test), I gave myself ten minutes a day. I can do anything for only ten minutes a day, right? Turns out I actually started to enjoy it and liked it. Now it’s something I look forward to every day. Something I enjoy. It’s like my little office I get to go to whenever I want to talk to like-minded people and join in on interesting discussions before I start my workday.
Commit to ten minutes a few days a week and tell me what you think.