Happy New Year! Are you ready to make 2017 your best year to date?

Start with the following:

1. Where attention goes, energy flows. Reassess your priorities and make better choices by focusing on areas where you want more out of life and let go of what no longer serves you. Invest your time, money and energy on the things you want rather than the ones you think you need.

2. Put it on paper and visualize it. Make an exhaustive list of what you want this year along with a mood board. There should be no limitations. Be true to yourself and do not underestimate your ability to bring your vision to life. This exercise should reflect what is meaningful to you, not society.

3. Practice gratitude. In order to attract more good things, start with being grateful for what you already have. Be thankful not only for material things; but also the challenges and adversity you come across that will help you grow and heal.

4. Know why you want what you want. What is your motivation? Whatever it is, strive to align it with your values and purpose whether personal and/or professional.

5. Take action. Take tons of action and check on your progress periodically. What worked and what didn’t? What did you learn? Where do you want to go next? It is important to take action. Taking action teaches you how to dance in the rain and navigate through life, which enables you to make choices that are in alignment with your energy. It also allows you to move forward toward your life purpose. You can’t control your circumstances, but you can choose how you act on them!

6. Be bold. Give yourself permission to be who you are unapologetically. Give yourself permission to dream big, beyond what you think you could ever achieve or become.

7. Embrace failure. There is no way around it, failure is your path to success. You must to fail to learn from the experience, and ultimately change the equation by identifying your strengths and weaknesses in order to win.

8. Law of attraction. This is the most important step of all! Give your undivided attention to the things you want. Think about your goals and desires every morning while meditating. Don’t put any attention or energy into the things you don’t want in your life. Visualize constantly what you want as if you already have it. If you learn how to discipline your thoughts by focusing on positivity and what you dream of, it will manifest. Don’t stretch yourself thin to achieve your goals, live in the now and everything should fall into place.

Ready to live the life you’ve always envisioned for yourself? Visit www.nathalievirem.com and follow Nathalie Virem

Originally published at medium.com


  • Nathalie Virem

    Founder and CEO of Nathalie Virem Foundation

    Nathalie Virem is an International Speaker, Best Selling Author, and Conscious Leadership Expert. 
    She is the Founder and CEO of the Nathalie Virem Foundation, the premiere platform developing conscious entrepreneurs of ethically sustainable ventures.
    To accelerate the world's transition to conscious leadership, we host charity events raising funds for human development projects with a high global repercussion on the media.
    Nathalie Virem Foundation's academy fosters consciousness through education. We deliver workshops, MasterMinds, Retreats, online courses, and books. We focus on giving scholarships to worldwide leaders to guide their soul's evolution and to help them bring their vision into the world so that they can Positively Influence the Collective and the World at large.
    If you feel you’d like to learn more about our Foundation or become a partner or donor, visit: www.nathalievirem.org.