Consider this truth. The body is never wrong. In this awareness we change the paradigm, and can look at our anxiety is a symptom — and not a terrible thing that just happens to us. (That’s from the allopathic medical model of naming diseases.) Here are some possible triggers to look into: 1. Low progesterone – this is literally an anti-anxiety hormone that keeps us calm in the second half of our monthly menstrual cycle. It can drop drastically during times of stress and under estrogen dominance. 2. Thyroid disorders – the thyroid hormones are responsible for not only energy, they also play a huge role in co-managing our sex hormones and important mood balancing neurotransmitters. 3. Blood sugar imbalance – the ‘sugar crash’ is a withdrawal symptom similar to coming off narcotics, if you are experiencing highs and lows of energy do to overconsumption of carbohydrates and sugar, this can be a direct trigger for anxiety, especially if you are already sensitive and susceptible in other ways. 4. Gut dysbiosis – most health professionals don’t think to look here, but the interplay of gut and mood is well researched, and a big one. Gut bacteria literally send messages to your brain that influence our mood. So having the right amount of good bacteria is a vital step in supporting good mental health. 5. Deep fatigue – nothing diminishes your resilience more than not getting enough sleep. Your nervous system will be on thin ice, ready to crack at the slightest stressor. And even if you slept well last night, there can be a back log from previous night’s missed. Here’s a video on Facebook where I talk about ‘sleep dept’. 6. Resisting emotions – This is a tough one because if we’re not used to ‘feeling’ (who really got taught this as a child?) it’s going to be difficult to identify this going on. Try tuning in and if you notice you need to ‘boil over’, find a safe place to let these emotions out. Stuffing our emotions down is very unhealthy. And do get professional support from a counsellor if you need it (I have always had a therapist, for the past 25 years on and off, and attribute this to much of my own learning and coping.) 7. Lack of play time – over working ourselves may seem like the heroic thing to do, many of us get in the habit of putting ourselves last. But no one can work without play. We have to have free time. Look at flowers, be silly, have some fun and let that inner child out. 8. Your inner child is scared – leading from number 7, in my experience a lot of anxiety is triggered by past trauma. Whether the trauma happened in childhood, or as an adult, it is still your inner child that needs comfort. We have to acknowledge her, see her and comfort her in order to move forward safely. In addition to these many nutrient deficiencies can play into the build up of anxiety including B12, B3, B6, B5, calcium, magnesium and iron. Anxiety triggers are different for everyone. Anxiety management is different for everyone. Getting to the root cause of deeper health and psychological issues isn’t the easy way, the answers aren’t being handed out at the local pharmacy that’s for sure. But given some serious effort, this investigating is surely what will create the biggest shift and help us be more free. The body speaks. Whether it’s needs are emotional, physical or all of the above. Listen closer, be gentle with that scared little child in you. Stop working so damn much. Unplug, change how you eat, and above all, seek the support you need in ALL the areas. Ask your inner child what he/she needs. It is layered, there are many answers to find. Please remember you are absolutely not alone in this. You do not have to carry this load all by yourself. Others are here with you too. I’m not saying your anxiety will disappear overnight with a magic cure, there’s no such thing nor should there be. Your anxiety is your smartness speaking in all kinds of loud ways, to let you know things. It’s not clear, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t right. So stop. Tune in and feel your way through. Seek balance and calm through breath. Be brave and ask (without reaction) what could your anxiety be telling you? What factors can you investigate or learn more about to help build your body’s resilience? For those of you who experience anxiety and want to learn more about coping, here is another article I wrote, about my own personal experience managing anxiety ‘Why I’m Awesome at Anxiety” |