Now that the pandemic is waning, the time to ask, “When can I go back?” has passed.
We can’t go back to normal because the world has changed. There was the world before COVID and the world after. Instead, it’s time to take a deep breath and ask, “How should I prepare for the coming future?”
One way is to reboot your dreams to succeed in the new world. Maybe you forgot your dreams for a while because you were overwhelmed by the pandemic. But now you have the chance to seize new opportunities, starting with these eight steps.
Acknowledge That We’re Living in a New World
First, it’s important to acknowledge that the world has changed. Many of the adaptations and technological advances brought about by COVID are here to stay. Interpersonal relationships are shifting to online. Education takes place not in the classroom but on an online platform, and the workplace is moving from office to home.
Furthermore, the world is becoming different as more individuals are intent on avoiding risks and crave safety. It is us, individuals, who are creating a different world. As you reboot your dreams, consider what has changed and how it will affect your goals moving forward.
Decide to Get Your Dreams Back on Track
Next, make the conscious decision to reboot your dreams in this new world. The pandemic felt like a period of crisis and chaos. But now that the worst of it is ending, there’s an opportunity to find your place in the new order.
New industries will replace old ones, and those who foresaw, prepared, and invested in the new order will grab the upper hand in the market in a flash. You’ll want to ask yourself now, “How will my dreams fit in?” because there will be no room left for people who waited.
Grow Your Dreams
Once you understand the new landscape and have decided to reboot your dreams, make a plan to grow them. Dreams are like living creatures: they need to be learned, trusted, and given opportunities to evolve based on the external environment.
For example, I’ve always thought that I was interacting with my dream, rather than chasing it. I reached my dream of becoming the best motivational speaker by diligently studying and preparing myself to make good speeches.
You can achieve your dreams by figuring out what you need to feed them to make them grow.
Recognize that the Present May Change Your Direction
Anticipating changes is essential to pointing your dreams in the right direction. If you are not sure what kind of job you should have in the future, stay open to change and remember that your dreams need to evolve with the times.
In the post-COVID world, new industries are growing, and there might be room for your dream in one of them. To find your place, pay attention to where you should go to have your abilities recognized, and which job group is in high demand.
Allow the Present to Affect the Way You Chase Your Dreams
Even if the direction of your dreams remains the same, the path you take to accomplish them will likely change completely. You may find yourself wondering what you need to study to realize your dreams, what jobs you should take while you work toward your dreams, and whether you can work independently or not.
The dream-chasing method that leads you to success may not have been available when you began on your path. But in a new world and a new context, you might find a different way to chase your dreams.
Remember that Changes Happening Now Will Change You and Your Life
When you determine the direction of your dreams and come up with dream-chasing strategies, your identity also changes. You become more confident that you can make it.
For those who know how to use changes to their advantage, such as new technologies, the post-coronavirus world will bring life-altering opportunities. Today, you can succeed as long as you are competent, even if you are old, have to care for a child, or don’t have a degree. You can realize your dreams as long as they are realistic and you commit to improving yourself and your skills.
Choose the Positive Instead of the Negative
The world in which we live is constantly changing, and we must change to adapt to those changes. Until now, the changes were happening slowly enough that we could keep up with them.
But post-pandemic changes are different. The order of the world has been completely transformed. You cannot guarantee that you will keep anything—be it your job or just your daily routine. That’s why it’s more important than ever to choose positivity over negativity. Don’t give up on your dreams when things go wrong—look for the next opportunity.
Discard Skills that are No Longer Useful
Lastly, you must adapt with the world as it changes. Post-coronavirus, the key to self-development is removal.
Many of the skills that you used in the contact and analog world have become useless assets in the socially distant and digital world. What you need now is to abandon these useless skills to make room for new, more-relevant ones. You can bring in new skills only when you discard those that are no longer useful.
Be open to transforming yourself and your dreams, and you’ll find a place in the post-pandemic world no matter how much it changes.
This article was adapted from the book Reboot: Your COVID-19 Quick-Start Guide to Life, Work, and Hope, written by MK Kim. MK Kim creates and uploads videos on her YouTube channel, Kim Mi-kyung TV; helps people grow their dreams as the dean of the online college MKYU; and runs the Growmom Foundation, dedicated to empowering single moms.