1. Guilt.
Guilt is unproductive, but it is rampant. Making decisions based on not wanting to feel guilty will not make us happy.
2. Pleasing others.
When there is nothing to dislike about you, but there is nothing to like either. It’s impossible to please everyone. So, be real instead. People love that. Validate yourself instead of looking for it outside.
3. Saying yes to things you don’t want to do.
The feeling of doing something that you said okay to do, but you really don’t want to do it is called resentment. Set those boundaries, practice saying no, and experience freedom.
4. Saying no to you.
Taking care of and helping others is great. Except for when you never take time for yourself. Remember, you can’t give what you don’t have. Make yourself a priority again. Then, you will be able to help and serve others in ways that you could never have imagined.
5. Clutter.
Clutter is all the stuff that you thought you wanted, but you actually don’t need. Excess is distracting and stressful. It’s more stuff to keep track of, clean, and store. Let it go and feel happier.
6. Being busy. All. The. Time.
Truly living is not doing #allthethings and being able to #slayallday — it’s making time to be present and having the ability to be flexible. Can we just be unproductive for 5-minutes? That’s living.
7. Being a slave to our phones.
We actually don’t need an app for everything that we do. Sure, they are convenient sometimes. But, when we depend on our phone for every, single thing that we do we are not only selling ourselves short, we are causing ourselves anxiety. Figuring out our way to the nearest convenience store on our own, or asking a stranger for the time, is actually good sometimes. So, delete 10 apps from your phone. Like, right now. I guarantee you will feel relief and a sense of happiness.
Figuring out our way to the nearest convenience store on our own, or asking a stranger for the time, is actually good sometimes. So, delete 10 apps from your phone. Like, right now. I guarantee you will feel relief and a sense of happiness.
8. Holding back from pursuing our dreams because of fear.
It doesn’t actually matter if you achieve your dreams. But, pursuing them will make you feel alive and happy. It’s about the journey, not the destination.
Less is more.
Reduce or eliminate these eight things from your life, and I promise you will feel happier.
So, what did I miss? Let me know in the comments.
PS — Have you taken the Brave & Bold Challenge yet? Your life is waiting.
Originally published at medium.com