The change of season marks the ideal time to restructure and revamp your schedule. Yet, all too often, many of us view autumn as a gateway to winter, therefore, letting the cold-weather-blues settle in long before they are due. The temperatures drop, the days are shorter, and the holidays filled with indulgence loom on the horizon; where family-packed trips signify little time to workout and lots of time to indulge.

It’s easy to break routine…. But, if you have a routine, it’s just as easy to stick with it! After all, think of how far you’ve come; why would you want to start the process all over again? Sadie Kurzban, founder of 305 Fitness, recognized this time of year for its potential of positive change, with the opening of a Boston studio in addition to her portfolio of four New York locations.

The 29-year-old fitness guru knows all too well the importance of enjoying this time of year and not limiting herself, but taking the right steps to ensure your body feels its best before settling into winter mode. “I believe how important happiness and joy are in our health, so that’s what inspired the 305 workout. I don’t have restrictive dieting, I just try to enjoy life like any twenty-something year old.” I asked Kurzban to share her tried and true ways to stay on track this fall with fitness and wellness tips for staying healthy–body and mind–in order to avoid falling victim to the winter slump.

Sadie Kurzban embraces the season’s pivot and opens 305 Fitness in Boston, MA. 

1. Plan your workouts around your travel schedule

Fall brings a lot of inevitable travel; work trips return after a slow summer and holiday travels automatically disrupt your routine. Make sure to take advantage of the time you are at your homebase and stay in routine as much as possible with regularly scheduled workouts. That way when you travel, you can leave feeling more relaxed if you skip a few sweat sessions while on the road. Additionally, before traveling, lookup fitness studios around your destination and review your itinerary or schedule for windows of freetime to squeeze in a workout.

2. Hydrate more

When the weather gets chilly we often forget to hydrate; don’t wait until you’re thirsty to drink! For overall mood, energy and fatigue, drinking water throughout the day goes a long way. I tend to chug glasses rather than sip; it’s a hack, so find what works for you. Remember, hydration starts hours before activity–some say 24 hours before–so, if you’re taking a workout class in the evening, start hydrating the night before.

3. Eat what’s in season

In the winter, our bodies need soups and warm vegetables. It actually goes back to ayurvedic medicine; our bodies are gearing up to conserve energy in the winter so we need well-cooked meals, not raw vegetables which are difficult to digest. Swap smoothies, raw foods and salads, for hearty root vegetables and soups.

4. Restock your supplements

Shorter days equate to less sunlight, which means we’re getting less Vitamin D. Since most of us aren’t absorbing 15 minutes of daily sunlight in the winter, I’d recommend purchasing a Vitamin D supplement as it’s so important for bone health. While you’re stocking up, I’d also recommend purchasing a probiotic for healthy digestion and a strong immune system, as well as Fish Oil Omega 3, which is super important for our brain and heart health.

5. Find an immune boosting product that works for you

Whether you’re traveling or confined in a heated office, keep an immune boosting kit accessible. For example, when I get on a plane or train, I use Purell wipes to sanitize my seat, tray table or anything that a lot of people touch. I also use immune boosting supplements like elderberry or oil of oregano. Make a trip to your local health food store and pick up your preference–some people rely on Emergen-C and that works too!

6. Don’t neglect fresh air

We can get hulled up in our apartments or cars on chilly days, but this air is stale and stuffy which can often result in sickness and dry skin. Try to crack a window throughout the day to encourage circulation. I’d also recommend buying a humidifier for keeping air fresh (you can buy a travel humidifier to remain consistent during the travel season).

7. Take the pressure off!

The holidays are a time for family, love and intimacy, so enjoy this time! When your plate is in front of you, always pause and be aware of how you feel to see if anxiety or stress are causing you to eat more than you may want to.

8. Don’t overthink it

A workout is whatever makes our bodies feel good. Even a walk is a workout, so, if you find you’re really busy, take a call and walk. Stretch in your apartment. These things all count as a workout.