Whether you realize it or not, there are many manipulative people you meet in your daily life.
Manipulative nature is an attempt by a group or a person to influence the behavior, attitudes and opinions of others without that person knowing it. At first, the signs of manipulation can be hard to spot, until you become a victim. To prevent this, find out how to deal with the manipulative people around you.
First of all, you have to recognize that you are a victim of manipulation. When you are being manipulated by someone, you are psychologically forced to do something you may not want to do.
You will feel afraid and obligated to do it, or feel guilty for not doing it. If you are a victim or find that there are a manipulative or manipulative person or persons in your environment, do not want to be a victim.
A manipulative often uses the opportunity to control others for his own sake. He deliberately creates a power imbalance and exploits the victim to serve his needs. Like a plant planted with parasites, if you continue to serve it you will only get losses.
So guys, here are 8 very simple ways and easy to DO to avoid being manipulated.
Know How To Say “No”―Diplomatically But Firmly
To be able to say “no” diplomatically but firmly is to practice the art of communication. Effectively articulated, it allows you to stand your ground while maintaining a workable relationship. Remember that your fundamental human rights include the right to set your own priorities, the right to say “no” without feeling guilty, and the right to choose your own happy and healthy life.
Set consequences
When a psychological manipulator insists on violating your boundaries, and won’t take “no” for an answer, deploy consequence.
The ability to identify and assert consequence(s) is one of the most important skills you can use to “stand down” a difficult person. Effectively articulated, consequence gives pause to the manipulative individual, and compels her or him to shift from violation to respect. Continue Reading…..
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