Hard work is the key to getting what you want. But without motivation, you can forget about it. I’m going to share with you some of the things I’ve done to work better and stay motivated, even through adversity and rough patches.
I’ve condensed it down to nine habits you can implement to become a more motivated, well-rounded worker.
1. Get Up Early
Even if you think you’re a night owl and you work better at night, this still stands true. Thousands of years of evolution have told us that just isn’t true. We’re made to rise with the sun and sleep with its setting. Set your alarm earlier and start getting those productive hours in.
2. Join a Program
Find a professional program that’s going to help you get to that next level. Look at the things you need to get better at and choose a program based on that, whether it’s an online course to develop a skill you have been wanting to work on or a networking organization.
Look to get better every single day.
3. Make a ‘To-Don’t’ List
I know what I’m going to do, and so do you. What I don’t always know about are the things I shouldn’t do. These are the time sinks and the things that kill productivity.
For example, some habits you could look to rid of include not checking social media after you lay down for bed, or limiting your alcohol intake to one night per week.
4. Monitor Your Good Ideas
Keep a pen and paper on hand at all times. Whenever inspiration strikes write it down, even if it’s only a half-formed idea. I take extra time each day to monitor all my ideas and to consider how they can be implemented for the greater good.
5. Learn Something New Each Day
One of the most applicable habits of some of the greatest people I know is to learn something new every single day. It doesn’t need to be immediately useful, because you’re becoming a better version of yourself each day. Before I go to bed, I sit down and ask myself what I learned today. If I can’t answer that question, I reflect on the day and determine what I can do to prepare for the next day to make it that much more productive.
6. Get a Mentor
No matter how good you are, always remember someone is always better. Seek out that person and learn from them. Never stop becoming a better version of yourself.
7. Always Improve Your Sales Speech
Call it a sales speech or an elevator pitch, but it’s how you define yourself when someone asks, “What do you do?” I practice this once in the mirror to both refine it and to make sure I remember it. I want to be confident in how I present myself. This may also change over time, and that’s okay. In fact, I encourage it! You should always be developing and growing as a person.
8. Don’t be a Yes Man (or Woman)
Define your own path. Ask yourself if what you’re getting up for is what you agree with. Is it something you really want to do?If not, you know you must change something. Remember that it’s okay to say no.
9. Don’t Feel Guilty About Taking Time Off
We all need time to rest and reflect. Don’t feel bad about taking well-deserved time off, and don’t let anyone else make you feel about it. You’ll be more efficient at what you do. And time off is when I find the best ideas come out. This is an essential part of your mental health!