Every year we make long lists of resolutions in January. By end of March, we see many people slacking. What is noteworthy in this situation is we make goals, but the path to achieving this goal is still fuzzy. There are several ways to achieving a goal, one of which is adhering to a schedule. 

Like our school timetable, we could say. It is estimated that an average human takes 21-28 days to commit or form a habit. After this, they are ingrained into our brains. But the real question—what are the benefits of having a schedule? Prevails.

Here are a few miracles a schedule could create:

1) Motivation: The sole reason for not accomplishing tasks is the lack of motivation. A routine makes it a lot easier to take action. When a set of tasks or activities become a part of our system, we do it automatically. Instead of procrastinating on the task at hand, we do it by habit. 

2) A boost to your self-confidence: Ever wondered how we drive home after work whilst zoning out?  Our  mind works on autopilot. We barely think about the next move, just, hit on the gas pedal and get home. The drill of driving back is a part of  our routine, which gives the confidence to drive. With the same system applied to different situations, there is a prospect for a boost in confidence.

3) Increased productivity: With tasks to complete, we are on our toes! The specific time slot for an activity puts our minds in ‘the’ zone. Increasing our productivity and reflecting on our work.

4) Reduced stress: One of the major causes of stress is unpredictability. With a practiced pattern, a sense of security develops. The act of ‘doing’ gives us a sense of control and helps us relax instead of fretting about the tasks at hand. Also resulting in reduced procrastination, deadlines will stop seeming stressful. It brings a system into the otherwise chaotic world.

5) Efficiency: Without having to contemplate and plan, we have already saved ourselves from a stress-filled morning. When we have a routine that is followed daily, it reduces the need to make decisions each day. Activities follow standardization, with efficiency as the result.

6) Time-saving: Adding structure to life is one of the salient features of a routine. Since on most days, time is our enemy. A daily routine provides structure and a logical sequence in your life. It provides the framework within which we live your life and conduct our daily activities. Our routine has predetermined our schedule, allowing us to use our time efficiently

7) Proficiency: Haven’t we all wondered how our grandmothers cook so proficiently? ‘Andaaz eh se’ or I just know, is the reply. We start to become better at doing certain things because we do it regularly. That is one of the keys to mastering any skill, ‘Practice makes a man perfect’.

8) Monitor Progress: A clear sign of slacking is our work. It is also an excellent measure to monitor our progress. We can find the error and make appropriate adjustments. This also boosts our confidence, the feeling of being on the right track.

The human brain has been a mystery, that scientists have been working on for decades. By sticking to a routine, our body or Cicardian clock maintains all the other functions efficiently and makes life easy. 

It reflects on our work and paves our path towards our goals, and ultimately success.