Today we are having our Coffee date with… Njeri Cooper.

Njeri is a cryptocurrency dealer and a Digital Nomad. Proud part of the LGBTQIA community, a few months ago Njeri went fully nomadic and became homeless. She decided to become location independent on purpose, to become a more successful entrepreneur. No comfort. No security. “It’s not easy to be taken as a professional in an employee or business owner role because I’m non-binary and I have an androgynous style of dress. People are confused about what pronouns to call me and what to expect as far as quality of work for some reason. The whole, I don’t have an address thing throws people through a loop, too. They either think I’m dirt poor or basically a millionaire.” 

R: Hi Njeri. Let’s get to know you better. What’s your business about? How long have you been in business? And how did your business start?
N: I teach people the technical skill of trading and investing in stock, foreign exchange, and cryptocurrency markets. For people who don’t have time to learn the skill, I provide portfolio management services. I started my business last May. I started after promising myself to use my skills and my passion for teaching to ensure I’ll never have to work another 9 to 5.

R: Wow, that sounds amazing. How did you get there? 
N: I’m a 24/yo entrepreneur. Last year, I dropped out of college because I couldn’t afford it. Things were tough. I was broke. So, I decided that I would never let myself be homeless again like I used to be a few years ago. My grind mode was activated. I went on a journey for financial freedom. In May, I moved out of my beautiful home and found somewhere cheaper. I moved it with a couple of roommates and dedicated all the money I was saving to starting a business. I had a vision and passion. But I had no resources. I don’t know any business people in real life, so I took to Facebook.
Last May, I started an agency and a entrepreneur society called “Global Investment Society”. The message I try to ingrain is Investing; We must invest in our minds, our businesses, and our lifestyles in order to become fulfilled as people. Creating the $ociety solved my two problems. Making money and having friends with businesses. I legitimately have a passion for connecting with real people and helping them grow. No matter what stage in growth they are in. Before deciding to build my business, I learned how to trade the forex and stock market. Now, I have free seminars for Millennial that are just like I was – Broke and hungry with no clue how to achieve their goals. 

R: That’s an amazing message for young entrepreneurs! If you could go back in time, What would you recommend to 16-year old you?

N: Learn how to trade and skip college. 

“Stalk your dreams” – Angel Haze (Rose)

Thank you Njeri for your time and your amazing responses.
Do you want to learn more about Njeri Cooper and crypto?
Go, check her sites here!