Cats hold a sacred artistry. Since ancient times, their mystery and persona has been celebrated. Serving as models for humanity’s matriculation on Earth. Attentive. Sensitive. Cunning. Knowledgeable. Devoted to whatever task they have set to. In tuned with the artistry of Universal creativity and wonder. Cats stay connected to movements of the Heavens, of the Universe. They move in the way of the Universe. Prancing meticulously-highlighting the artistry and elements of inquiry; the desire to know more. Yearning to explore the unknown and what is interesting. No apologies! Unashamed in doing so.
There are people in this world, who embody the Spirit of cats. Maneuvering themselves throughout Earth’s planes. Intrigued by the fantasy world of creativity. Delving deeper into the realms of that energy. Using such in the artistry of music, theater, and other arenas of the performing arts. Some of those beings are regular, every day people. Then, you have them, as part of the legendary ones. They are the Beings, who are able to transform that energy onto the grand stages and film screenings of Hollywood. Its all part of their persona, and mysterious connection. One of those is none other than. . .Eartha Kitt!

Listening to her songs and watching her performances, there is just a naturalness, that is synonymous to a Divine reality. She clearly moved and operated in the way of, the cat. What is so soothing is how she made this style, so natural. Precious and nurturing. Observing her, you felt that experience to be part of you. As if you were given the “ok,” to lavish and immerse yourself in her performances, that were truly healing. . .indeed! She took rough and made it soothing. She took what was distant and made it, familiar. Then, she transformed the forbidden, into something that made sense, to think about. In Eartha’s world, fantasy became natural. No longer was it taboo to move in Universal dreams. It was no longer taxing to be charming, alluring, intelligent, vocal, immersing in the feminine, while being an agent for social change.
Eartha Kitt moved in the way of. . .the cat. Her persona, and very essence, was, oh, so. . .catlike. Sultry, smooth, and unwilling to do it any other way, but. . .her own. Crafting her persona, owning it, and getting Hollywood to simply, accept it. No changes, transformations, or falsifying of her existence. Eartha was earthly. And, cats are masters of moving through Earth’s domains. She created this fluid nature in Hollywood. Not only onscreen, in the way that she moved, and how she worked the stage and the camera to her liking. But, in a way and style, that was symbolic in her need to remind the world, that we have been programmed to move in a way of rigidity. Being fixed and stuck, where a format of how we are to move, is prescribed to us for our entire lives. And, should we dare move from it, we are ridiculed and “blacklisted” for doing so.
One of the phenomenal attributes of Eartha Kitt is how she shook up the expectations of perfection. She revealed her humanity, flaws, and personal perceptions of life. She was not afraid of going back into that world of being a little girl, and showing us that she was alive, and even still in need of healing. Whether it be crying during an interview, regarding the atrocities of childhood’s memory. Or sharing lessons on “compromise,” relationships, and love. The beauty of it all, is that it was hers. She owned those experiences, and therefore she was entitled to craft and present them, according to how she saw them. Speaking her truth. Claiming her truth. Performing her truth. What was perfection, through the eyes of Eartha Kitt? Is perfection a good thing? Evenmoreso, can perfection be a bad thing if it forbids human beings from speaking their existence, in order to save face, or give illusions to glamour and elegance? Is there a difference between being “perfect” or working to align with perfection, in its natural alignment with the Earth; all the while, learning the lessons along the way? Perhaps, Eartha Kitt would agree with the latter. Because aligning with perfection, means you have to deal with roadblocks, highways, byways, and stumbles along the way. And, that my Dears, is the true reality of aligning with Earth’s natural pattern and aspirations of being perfect. Along our path, we even question what it means to make mistakes or have error. How do human beings define error? And, are certain “mistakes” we have been told are wrong really just our attempts of getting things right. Of course, there is good and bad. There is no denying of such. Yet, have we got so caught up in categorizing the “goods” and the “bads,” that we have forgotten to question what exactly “good” and “bad” are? In her song and performance of “I Want To Be Evil,” is there a deeper message at play? Does Eartha Kitt really want to be evil, in how we know evil to be? OR Is the song code for wishing to get out of “normalcy” and shake up oppressive barriers in society? Shaking up and shaking off shackled and false expectations, projected onto us, in society. Perhaps, just perhaps, we can go with the latter rationale. Of course, that’s only if we choose to. . .go there. And, Eartha Kitt. . .went there!

Eartha’s way was so unique, poetic, enriching, that one was forced to imagine another way to be in reality and the Hollywood scene. Through her very persona, alone, fiction was immersed and planted into reality. Craftily designed that the Universal realm came through (and was evident) in her performances. Viewers were forced to seek, and begin their own personal journey, into Heaven’s artistry. Eartha Kitt was, and still is, a window into that world. Keeping her cat-like aura beside her, she pranced around through Hollywood, and Europe, and softened faux barriers and expectations, which limited human capabilities and potential. Melting away rigid walls, while making them easier to dance, sing, or act through. Questioning limitations, what is deemed appropriate to say, do, and think. Yes, Darlin’! That was Eartha’s rhythm!

When it came to the world of sound, and how we convey languages, Eartha Kitt performed that energy, at a foundational level, that many cannot comprehend. Whether it be in French, German, or whatever tongue of her liking, making unfamiliar sounds, natural, and pleasing to the Earth, was her forte. Taking the German language (and it’s stereotype of being rough and harsh), and presenting its texture as delicate and soft, with precise gentility, highlighted Eartha Kitt’s genius nature, in the context of sound.
Cats move in a timely manner. They calculate their moves, especially when slow and goal oriented. Precision guides their steps. They are masters of time, rhythm, and coordination. Its why the original Catwoman, could be played by no other dame, except for one whose character and essence, embodied the aura of a cat. Carrying on that same allure, and Universal syncopation, into singing, dancing, film, and just the way she moved, onstage. Eartha’s way was the Universal way. It was heaven’s way. Maybe not in the traditional way, that we are used to seeing heaven. Yet, her story and what she overcame, is heavent sent.
So, as we moved forward in the 2020 year, let us not forget the likes of those women, who truly move, operate, and work in the essence of cats. Those women who are part of an unusual rhythm, an uncommon tune. A way of movement that is eloquent, silent, spiritual, nurturing, fluid, and willing to shake things up, without anyone even hearing the rumble. Its the catty way. And, it was Eartha’s way. Earthly and delicate for those women, who sing normalcy into unfamiliar terrain.