This morning brought about opportunities to reflect on ways that I sometimes operate in life that disempowers me. It’s the clarity that comes from understanding how you show up in the world that provides opportunities for new ways of being.
I have a tendency to overanalyze. I create stories about what someone did or said to me, and how they may or may not have taken something I said or didn’t say. This way of being robs me of my confidence and forces me create stories that aren’t real.
I can remember in past jobs not speaking up out of fear that someone would judge me for what I said.
Living in my insecurities also takes away from my natural strengths. When I live this way, I am telling myself that I’m not good enough, and that I won’t be successful in whatever I’m working towards. It’s a story that is completely made up. But when I am operating this way, it’s tough for me to see what is real.
In understanding what takes away from my power, I can learn to recognize when I am acting this way and change that behavior.
Part of self improvement, is also recognizing your strengths and how you are when you’re at your best.
When am focused and in action, I feel really powerful. This manifests in me having full control over how I use my time. Which works best when I plan out my day in advance.
When I plan out my day, I am focused on doing the things that are truly important to me and add value. If I had to highlight part of my ideal day, it would involve being in action on the right things.
Another source of empowerment for me is consciously being fearless. This involves living outside of my perceived comfort zone and taking action on whatever it is I need to do, without worrying about an outcome. My only goal is to have the courage to take the first or next step.
Being fearless created an opportunity for me step into the possibility of becoming an effective facilitator. Facilitating a meeting or discussion involves putting yourself out in front of people and asking them to go on a journey with you. It involves creating a space where a group of people can collaborate in a way that is healthy and organic.
Being fearless has allowed me to step into this space with confidence and has helped me in my development as a leader.
I encourage you to take some time today and reflect on two questions.
1. What are some of your ways of operating in life that disempowers you, and how does this manifest?
2. What are some of your ways of operating in life that give you power, and how does this manifest?
Answering these two questions will provide important insight into how you show up in the world.
Originally published at