You were an only child, but you were never alone. Money wasn’t what you needed, you know? Your network will always be your net worth.
You were taught how to bake and knit and write. Lessons aren’t just for you, they’re for the teacher too. Your network will always be your net worth.
You’re going to go on so many adventures, with others and alone. At times you’ll feel abandoned, but with people you’ll feel at home. Your network will always be your net worth.
In business, clients and jobs will come and go, But they’ll always teach you what you need to know. Your network will always be your net worth.
When looking for love, look not for the white stead, But for the people already surrounding you. Your network will always be your net worth.
Some people will like you, some will love you. Some will teach you, and some will guide you. Your network will always be your net worth.
Those moments of utter despair? Where the walls close in, and hope disappears? Look up – not for the rope, but for the helping hand. Your network will always be your net worth.
You are never “going at life alone.” Your network will always be your net worth.