Corona Virus Gratitude

Hi Corona virus.

Yes, you.

I dreaded you
I feared you
I wanted nothing to do with you
I ignored you
And now, you…are…in me

You tricky bastard.
Did you dream of fame, of traveling the world?
Well, you’ve got it
Your power is unprecedented
Your voice is heard
Yet, is it?
What is it that you really want?

You put Mother Earth
In a state of rest
But put mankind in panic
You brought us all to our knees

You hit economies
You took joyful occasions
You took milestones
You took daily life  
And, worst of all
You took lives

You divided people
Yet I see human solidarity
That warms my heart
We fight against one enemy
And there is union in our sadness
In our fear
In our loss

You took our comfort zones
But I thank you for that
You took our ignorance
And our arrogance
That this won’t happen to us

You took it all
In a speed that left us gasping for air
As did your lung infections

You brought me to my knees
Pushed me to surrender
Surrender to the unknown
Surrender to all the emotions
Of fear
And desperation

You taught me to cherish
Cherish the ability to breathe freely
Cherish my lungs
Cherish to walk
Without lung pain

Thank you
For never letting go unnoticed
The fact that nothing is as good
As healthy feels
And health
Is the true wealth

You taught me to let go
To accept what is
To trust my body
My inner army
Of white blood cells
You taught me to trust
Only myself
In this new world
Of quarantine

To take it day by day
To focus on the light
Not the dark
It’s far from easy Corona
But you know what?

I thank you
For the lessons
For the growth
For letting me see
That trusting myself
And seeing what I am
Capable of
Is, in fact
The greatest gift.