There is always this. . .routine. A schedule that we cater to when we decide to get up, during our morning rituals. Always starting off early, during the day. Making sure we get off to an sharp start; only to end with a strong bang and finish. That seems to be the typical work day. For some reason, it is often during a particular time of the day, when we are programmed to be the most productive. As if there is only a certain time, when we can produce “the best.”
One of the features of getting off to a slow start, during one of those days when you are simply feeling “off,” is that it allows you to re-group. For once, you get to focus on time, as it relates to how you flow into it. How you move into it. Its important to have one of those work days, where much of the work is focused on how you work; rather than what you work, on. That can be argued as being more productive, than simply jumping into work’s production. Once you do that form of work, you are able to elevate your productivity from here on out.

Today was simply one of those days. Rather than going straight into work mode, the lesson learned today was rather, simple. Go with the flow! It was such a therapeutic experience of work, indeed! It had been such a long time since I had done exactly that. The passed weeks had me on an elevated since of adrenaline. . .going on FULL beast mode. Producing, creating, producing. Steady going. Steady pumping! Finding myself riding on every movement of heightened productivity. It was a phenomenon. So, phenomenal, that I ended up with great pain in my head. Overwhelmed. Fatigued. Exhausted. Hmm. . .Tic. Toc. Tic. Toc. It was high time to work a different way.

This day would be dedicated to working. . .slowly. Working in a way, where I could heal from the abundance of energy, which had come my way. Heal, and cleanse, my energy sector in order to take care of, or clean up, any toxic auras having infiltrated it, due to being in overload the past few weeks. I was working, just in a different way. It was a method of healing myself, re-generating myself; while still moving in motion. Through this method, I was assessing my overall well-being and work patterns. Somehow, I had gotten off track with my natural way of working. Which means that it resulted in an overwhelming headache, paining my energy field. An indicator, of working in a way, that was unnatural to my very own work patterns. It was out of step with my personal rhythm of creativity.

Let’s be very clear that when you are talking about the rhythm of work, it does not translate into to a particular schedule. What means is that one has a way into how they start working, and how they complete their work’s journey. There could be reflection upon any tasks or assignments. There could also be a meditation, while immersing through the actual work. Getting up during break time to nourish our physical being, with food, drink, or even natural scenary (throughout different periods of the work period) is one method of flowing through the work.
As we become more creative in our work routine, and how we work, one is prone to experiment with how we produce in different dimensions. How our work is designed to enrichen and restore our energy fields. If it is not doing that, then something is very wrong! Which means that its very important for us to take a day, during the week, where we work. . .slow. That special day, during the week, where we assess our actual rhythm of working. How we produce is extremely significant in how we design our work patterns. Yet, we can only know this, if we are willing to use one of our office, or home, work days to experiment with such designs. Play with our work rhythms just a little, until we find the right one.
So, as we continue to explore the rhythm of work, let’s push forward in assessing how we operate during any work day. Keeping schedule is for another day. After all, its our own working rhythm that should bring us the most success!