One of the biggest criticisms of the technical world is how it drains human energy. Absorbing our energy, while barely being able to reciprocate it back to our existence. Those isolated, closed tight spaces, inside of an empty building. Removing us from the real world. These tight-knit cubicles, which have the ability to transform a human being into a machine. They are rather powerful, aren’t they? With just a move, or hint of direction, they truly have the power to make living humans into lifeless objects. Who, may you ask? Cellphones. Laptops. I-phones. I-pads. Any gadgets of the digital tech world that you can find.

When it comes to office work spaces, its so important that we transform those areas into zones of comfort. Areas illuminating the humanity of work. That in these particular spaces, a person is not removed from their humanity. Rather, they are forced to be more intertwined with it, if they are to bring their very best to their work stations. How life is revealed within our work cubicles greatly reflects the values, health, and wellness of the company. Furthermore, it can also reflect the energies behind the work, itself. If it is nourishing and re-vitalizing for the employees and even management.

One of the most auspicious ventures about going to work should be our workstations. After all, they are a reflection of us, and how we work. Our personal style and touch to the company. That’s for another time. Simultaneously, our work stations/desks should also demonstrate how we are caring for ourselves during work days. How we are ensuring that employees are working holistically, and working. . .well. Who says that we have to wait until “break,” in order to feel good, at work? If we were to reverse traditional perceptions, break should be the a rest from the work it takes to rejuvenate, and re-channel, that holistic energy, when we are truly working. We have to ensure that we are making a differentiation between work, and exhausting ourselves. True work never depletes our energy sector. And, we should only be “exhausted” due to having circulated energy in that which we have produced.

So, when we examine the work cubicled, or our work spaces, what better way to demonstrate the natural presentation of technology, than to bring nature in, as a decorative? Placing nature as fashionable assets throughout our work areas. Highlighting them as models, and reminders, into how we should work with technology. How technology should morph into a more holistic position, which supports the natural movement patterns of human beings. That would be ideal, would it not? We would have less stress, less overt fatigue, and less unnatural distortions of our bodies, due to technology.

When we think of decorating our workspaces with plants and flowers, how imaginative it must be that we are allowing nature to become part of the work. In addition to her obvious beauty, and aesthetics, nature serves to remind us that her beauty leads to particular mechanics. Processes that are based on actual creativity and production. Mechanics, that create greatness. Who knows? Having floral and plant arrangements strategically aligned and placed on our work stations not only gives a sense of freshness, but they also give us direction. Guidance into how we should proceed with whatever work tasks for the day.
Our lives are valued through their presence. Nature’s presence. A rose’s presence. A natural presence. And, if one has not already taken place, a transformation does occur from robot to human. The perfect work presence for a re-storation, indeed!