It’s that time of year again when New Year resolutions are made, and financial and personal goals are considered. Often time’s resolutions come and go without long term follow through. But resolution [per Webster’s dictionary] actually means “the act or process of resolving.” This is a special reminder that it’s a process to work towards something we want, need or desire change for. And this is an on-going commitment of the daily and weekly ‘doings’ that contribute to the bigger picture of our hopes, goals and expectations.
According to ‘Good Housekeeping’ magazine the most common New Year resolutions include ‘exercise more’, ‘lose weight’, and ‘live life to the fullest’. But there’s so much more that goes into these resolutions- time, patience, purpose, motivation, and commitment.
Conversely there’s a handful of resolution ideas that have surfaced throughout the different spaces of the internet focused specifically on self-care. When we focus on our own self-care other areas of our lives may become more manageable or more tolerable. A handful of these New Year resolutions include working towards improving our relationships with others in our lives, working to lose self-doubt, and celebrate the little achievements.
Working to improve our relationships with others can be centered on choosing how and when we interact with them: Limiting our interactions if that is what we need, offering our chosen availability to spend time or offer help. An example of this would be providing options of when you are available, letting them choose from your availability. Or deciding if you prefer communicating by phone call or text message (if available). Choosing how and when, permits expectation and follow through which can decrease uncertainty, frustration and anxious thoughts.
Working to lose self-doubt is no easy task. We are often our own worst critics. We can easily postpone or give up ideas and dreams we have because of a lack of time, or limited support from others in our lives. But remember, resolution is a process. Consider giving yourself permission to try something you’d like to work towards, knowing and expecting to acquire the ‘do’s and don’ts’ for the next round. One cannot experience success without failures, which are opportunities of growth. Growth is the process of change.
Celebration of the little things is underrated. It is the little things that pave the way to the bigger picture. The bigger picture of enjoying our time, here. Every step counts, literally- you can’t go to the store without grabbing the keys and driving there (maybe not the best example but it gets the point across).
Celebration of the little things may be recognizing creativity, acknowledging someone’s commitment to their own goals, acknowledging qualities you admire in yourself and sharing those you see in others, receiving and giving encouragement, listening and sharing, reminiscing fond memories and achievements, and laughter. Laughter is good for the soul and that is worthy of celebration. Consider what it is that you enjoy discussing and doing, and make the time to experience it.
Until next time, remember, treat yourself as you wish to be treated by others. Wishing a meaningful New Year to you all.