What’s happening right now in our world is bringing up a lot of emotions for so many of us. Unfortunately, though, many of us have spent much of our lives being taught our emotions are wrong, resisting them and believing that feeling our feelings hurts.

But, what if this isn’t true?

What if, instead of this old paradigm, we were taught that feeling our feelings is the way out of our pain, instead of causing more of it?

With this, what if we were raised believing that feeling our feelings is one of the biggest keys to a rich, deep life and that we can only allow in as much joy as we allow sadness, anger, or hurt, for example? As part of this, what if we knew limiting our range of feelings limited our life?

And, what if we were not only taught this, but we were given the tools to actually be able to feel our feelings in real time? What if this was normal, and maybe even at some point felt good, as, when we had a feeling different from happiness, it gave us permission to feel safe with ourselves, instead of us being too emotional or too much (and even deeper, a fear of not being loved)?

What if, as well, we knew that storing our emotions in our body, and not feeling them, not only led to disease and dis-ease, but actually attracted the exact situations (and emotions) we were resisting and in general, made us feel bad?

What would life be like? How would our actions, and really, our relationship with our emotions, change?

So let me propose something different:

That our emotions are the way out of our pain and into our hearts.

Does a part of this feel true for you? At times, when you’ve felt your feelings, and your pain, have you had some relief with it? Maybe you’ve even noticed a shift?

If this is speaking to you, or, on the flip side, you’ve done many of the things that have been recommended to you, things like therapy, journaling, meditation and breathwork, and yet, you’re still struggling, this can be the missing piece.

So, how do we do this?

Start with anger.

Anger is usually the cover-up for sadness, hurt, grief and pain, to name a few. So, many times, when we go to feel these, if we haven’t felt the anger first, it will feel blocked and impossible to feel what’s underneath it.

One of my favorite ways to feel anger is to punch, kick and scream. Damn, it can feel good. Thankfully, I live in an apartment with high ceilings. 🙂

With this, understand that feeling this may not be a one-and-done thing. You might have to come back to it over and over until one day you find yourself feeling what’s underneath it.

And, once you do, and get a taste of the liberation you’re likely to experience from this release, you won’t ever turn back.

Your emotions will be your guide and the key to more in your life. And that, my friends, was always the point anyways.


  • Deb Acker

    Author, Speaker and Intuitive Relationship Healer for Women - What if you never had another painful relationship again? To begin, join me at my Complimentary Putting an End to Painful Relationships Masterclass at bit.ly/ending-pain.

    About Deb Acker: Before Deb turned two, her dad left and when she was seventeen her mom passed away. Until Deb truly understood and healed the root cause of these, these two life-changing moments caused deep pain in her relationships and life that took many years to heal. In the process, she would learn forgiveness, the importance of owning all of our emotions, not just the good ones, and most importantly, how to heal deep-rooted patterns and create long-lasting relationships and life-changing transformation to powerfully support her clients. As an intuitive, Deb's New YouTube Channel, The Relationship Healing Channel for Women, as well as her Living Deeply Workshops, Audios and Programs, expand upon these lessons and many of the tools, awarenesses and concepts shared in her first book, Living Deeply: A Transformational Journey Through Deep Pain, Loss and Abandonment to Healing, Self-Love and Miracles. When she's not clearing energy blocks & childhood patterns, teaching, speaking or writing, which have included writing for The Huffington Post, Elephant Journal, Women for One and Thrive Global, you can find Deb working out and traveling the world. To find out more about Deb, visit her at deborahacker.com, and join Deb at her Complimentary Masterclass, Putting an End to Painful Relationships: The Three Biggest Issues that Keep You Stuck, Hurting and Struggling, Repeating Your Relationship Patterns at bit.ly/ending-pain.