My daughter Maya recently gave me a precious lesson in courage.
She has been by my side almost 24-7 since she was born. But just before she turned 4, I sensed a shift in her.
And this shift was desire.
Her interest had shifted to the idea of preschool and the potential that it held. The potential for fun. To experience even more joy in her life.
And even though she’s an introvert, she was willing to try. I knew she was scared. To stay there alone. Without her security.
Yet the potential for more joy was greater than her fear.
The feeling of being HERE was safe. Yet she longed for more.
The DESIRE was greater than her comfortable now.
So she broke through her discomfort and fear. And did it. Her desire was greater than standing where she was. Where she knew she was safe. So she moved forward. To experience something new. And expanded.
And now that she’s experienced that expansion there’s no going back to what was. She may shake on her edge of fear again, between safety and desire. But in that moment she chose to let go. And expand.
I have been following her courageous act every day since.
I focus on my desires until they are so strong, that despite the fear and the shakiness, I am drawn to follow my desires.
The Desire is bigger than my fear.
It’s so much easier to let fear (disguised as excuses), stop you from doing something that will create more joy and freedom in your life.
But that fear doesn’t feel good.
When you know you want more, the fear can make you feel like a smaller, limited version of you.
So whether it’s a personal desire like changing your lifestyle to dramatically slow down, or becoming a successful mompreneur, spend time growing your desire.
Visualize it. Journal about it. Dream about it.
Imagine what it’d FEEL like.
And then let your DESIRE lead you out of fear.
And once you experience that desire, the expansion you just created within yourself? There’s no going back to what was. Your courage only grows.
What do you Desire? Let me know in the comments