What lies beyond these words is a proof that does not prove God, but proves a being that must exist: as the creator of all things, a revealer of all things, and a being that is within all things. For all purposes of this article, I have defined this thing as God, but should a more appropriate name be fitting such as the Flying Spaghetti Monster, let it follow that this is the proof of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Whatever the name of this thing or being, all one can know for certain is that this thing that I am to prove is the creator of all things, reveals all things, and is in all things.
The Proof of “The presence of the unknown thing that can be known” (God).
It is in the obvious, one can realize the simplicity of truth.
We have all seen the Sun, and we all are aware of it’s existence. We know the Sun so much that we have declared that the Sun is the cause of existence for all living things.
But where does the source of the knowledge of the Sun come from?
You see, humans have knowledge of the Sun but animals have knowledge of the sun too as they can distinguish between night and day and plants have knowledge of the Sun too as through phototropism plants can track the movements of the Sun. As a result, we know that there is a kind of knowledge that is not solely human knowledge, but is a universal knowledge. We also know that within such universal knowledge the existence of something is true. In this case the existence of the Sun. But the question becomes how? What kind of knowledge is the existence of the Sun, such that the source of it’s knowledge reveals the source of all living and non-living things.
As the source of this knowledge is neither human-like, nor animal-like, nor plant-like, it can be stated that the source of this knowledge must come from something that is as universal as the knowledge of the Sun.
It is necessary to define this source, that allows all things to exists, so that there no longer is any debate as to what this source is, and there is no religion or ideology that can make claims of this source that are inauthentic and untrue. This source is not one accepted out of dogma but one that is wholly true, self-sufficient and real.
To do this I must define a few words, so that what I am attempting to illustrate and present is clear and obvious to all who are reading, that you too may see the truth of what I have defined as God:
Aware as defined as having knowledge or perception of a situation or fact
Known as defined as be aware of through observation, inquiry, or information as indubitable; impossible to question, undoubtable
Knowledge as defined as an awareness of the connection between what is seen and unseen
Unknown as defined as not known or familiar
Exist as defined as having objective reality; the collection of things that we are sure exist independently of us
Cause as defined as a person or thing that gives rise to an action, phenomenon, or condition.
Reality as defined as a thing that exists in fact, having previously only existed in one’s mind
Determine as defined as seeing the reality of a thing relative to the reality of oneself
Observation as defined as the action or process of observing something or someone carefully in order to gain information
Presence as defined as the state or fact of existing as determined by one’s feelings, occurring, and present but unseen
Presence of the unknown (unknowable presence): A presence that allows one to know a thing that is unknown
Presence of the known (knowable presence): A presence that allows one to know a thing that is known
The presence of the unknown thing that can be known (the knowable presence of the unknown thing) as defined as a singular state of existence that is present but cannot be seen and allows an unknowable presence to become a knowable presence.
The Proof of God: The Source of All Sources
1.) All things that can be known are things that exist.
2.) All things that can be known possess a presence that allows it to exist, as things can exist even when its cause of existence is unknown
3.) All things whose cause of existence is unknown exists if the presence of the unknown thing can be known.
4.) Therefore, all things must possess the presence of the unknown thing that can be known to exist. And if we can know anything, the presence of the unknown thing that can be known exist as it is that knowledge that allows all things to be known.
1.) All things that are aware of the presence of itself are things that are only known to itself and exist as unknown to all other things.
2.) All things that are aware of the presence of itself are things that can determine the presence of other things.
3.) All things that are known to itself and exist as unknown to all other things are things that possess a presence that allows it to exist as knowable defined as the presence of the unknown.
4.) Therefore, all things that possess a presence which allows it to exist as knowable defined as the presence of the unknown must possess the presence of the unknown thing that can be known, which allows it to be knowable.
Because we know things, if we know anything at all, it is through the presence of the unknown thing that can be known (God), that it exist.
All knowledge is knowledge of God.
Further Explanation:
1.) All things that can be known are things that exist
All things that can be known must reveal itself to us in ways that we can know it independent of ourselves. A man trains his dog to respond to a bell each time he gives the dog a treat — the man’s name happens to be Pavlov. Over time Pavlov possesses a knowledge of the dog that each time he rings the bell, the dog will come for a treat. The dog as well, over time possess a knowledge that each time the owner rings the bell it will come for a treat. This knowledge is a shared knowledge, as the human knows each time it rings the bell the dog comes for a treat, and the dog knows that each time it hears the bell ring the dog comes to get a treat. Thus this knowledge exist outside of human knowledge and dog knowledge, it is a knowledge that exist outside of us. In other words, classical conditioning exist before the knowledge of it existed and things that can be known are things that exist.
If anything can exist it must be able to reveal itself to all things as knowable no matter one’s education level, experiences, intelligence, emotional IQ, disability, mental illness, profession, socioeconomic condition, tradition, culture, upbringing, (Even if one has lived in a cave their whole life), religion, health etc.
2.) All things that can be known possess a presence that allows it to exist, as things can exist even when its cause of existence is unknown (unobservable).
All things that can be known exist before the time in which they can be made known, meaning existence does not happen after the cause of existence is known. Existence remains true even prior to the cause of existence being known. In other words, germs existed before the cause of germs was known.
In this sense all things that can be known possess a presence that allows it to be made known though it not being known yet: the chicken allows us to know the presence of the egg but not the egg, symptoms allow us to know the presence of disease but not the disease, gray clouds allow us to know the presence of a rainfall but not the rainfall, the cathode ray allows us to know the presence of electrons but not the electron, a car key allows us to know the presence of a car though not the car, a baby allows us to know the presence of a parent but not the parent.
For example the feeling that the chicken could not just come from nowhere, leads one into thinking the chicken must have come from somewhere, this allows one to know the presence of the egg, though not know the egg.
3.) All things whose cause of existence is unknown exists if the presence of the unknown thing can be known.
In other words germ theory allows one to know the presence of the unknown thing (germs) as something knowable called germs.
A chef tasting her dish recognizing she is missing a specific flavor allows her to know the presence of a missing ingredient though not the missing ingredient. If the chef searches the world and tries all kinds of spices and realizes the spice is paprika, paprika is the missing ingredient. The presence of the missing ingredient is the presence of paprika. The feeling, the belief in the absence of doubt, is that she is missing a specific flavor for her dish which allows her to know the presence of a missing ingredient.
4.) Therefore, all things must possess the presence of the unknown thing that can be known to exist. And if we can know anything, the presence of the unknown thing that can be known exist as it is that knowledge that allows all things to be known.
1.) All things that are aware of the presence of itself are things that are only known to itself and exist as unknown to all other things.
For example: By definition. Joshua , only exist to himself, he is known to himself because he is aware of the presence of himself. If he wants to reveal himself to anything else he exist as an unknown thing. Any observation of Joshua is an observation of an unknown thing.
2.) All things that are aware of the presence of itself are things that can determine the presence of other things.
For example: Joshua , a thing that is aware of the presence of itself, is known to itself. If Joshua knows itself he can determine the presence of other things that are not itself. Joshua Jackson has the capacity to observe other things.
3.) All things that are known to itself and exist as unknown to all other things are things that possess a presence that allows it to exist as knowable defined as the presence of the unknown.
For example: Since Joshua is an unknown thing, Joshua must possess a presence to be known to all other things. Joshua, a thing that is aware of the presence of itself, doesn’t exist except to himself. No thing can observe him, because he is unknown. One cannot know what one is seeing, if one does not know what one is looking at. Joshua is only known to himself. Other than that, he is simply a presence because all things that can be known possess a presence that allows it to exist, as things can exist even when its cause of existence is unknown (unobservable).
4.) Therefore, all things that possess a presence which allows it to exist as knowable defined as the presence of the unknown must possess the presence of the unknown thing that can be known, which allows it to be knowable.
If Joshua is known to himself he must possess a presence even though the cause of his existence is unknown. As, all things that can be known possess a presence that allows it to exist, as things can exist even when its cause of existence is unknown (unobservable). Since Joshua only knows he exist he needs a cause of existence, to exist before all other things so he can not only exist to himself but also exist to all other things. Joshua Jackson possess a presence, a presence of the unknown thing. The presence of the unknown thing that can be known uses that presence of the unknown thing to allow Joshua to be made known. Joshua becomes a known thing (knowable presence). That presence of the unknown thing that can be known, not only is the cause of Joshua’s existence — as now he is knowable but also it reveals the presence of itself in all things allowing all things to be knowable. Whatever the presence of the unknown thing that can be known is does not matter, all that matters is that it must exist.
In other words all things that are the observed and all things that are the observer must possess the presence of the unknown thing that can be known.
The observer cannot determine the reality of the observed unless the reality of itself is too the reality of the observed such that the reality of each can only exist if each possess the presence of the unknown thing that can be known.
This presence of the unknown thing that can be known by definition not only reveals the presence of itself in what is knowable, but also is the cause of existence of all that is knowable.
Thus, if anything exist and can be known, this presence of the unknown thing that can be known must exist.
Additionally this presence (presence of the unknown thing that can be known) is present in it’s absence; meaning it cannot be known outside of its revelation being in all things that can be known and it cannot be known outside of it being the cause of existence of all things. At the same time this presence (presence of the unknown thing that can be known) is absent in its presence meaning it is unfathomable outside of the objective reality of this definition.
If all things that can be known possess a presence of the unknown thing, the presence of the unknown thing that can be known exist. As the presence of the unknown thing that can be known allows the presence of the unknown thing to become the presence of the known thing.
If the presence of the unknown thing that can be known exist, humans (who are aware of the presence of themselves — known) while unknown unless observed become known through the presence of the unknown thing that can be known and exist.
Thus as the awareness of one’s presence allows one to know oneself as (human), the presence of the unknown thing that can be known, converts what was once an unknowable presence to a knowable presence, and that knowable presence allows an observer to know what is human by observation. A human can exist not only to itself but also to all things.
Therefore, If anything exist, the presence of the unknown thing that can be known too must exist as the presence of the unknown thing that can be known makes all things known.
Defining The Presence of the Unknown Thing that can be Known
This presence of the unknown thing that can be known by definition not only reveals the presence of itself in what is knowable, but also is the creator of all that is knowable.
This presence of the unknown thing that can be known, can be in some ways be similar to the sun, as the sun: allows things to be visible and seen, makes life possible, and allows life to exist on earth. Except the presence of the unknown thing that can be known is in all things and reveals all things.
Whatever the term is decided to describe this thing. God, Joshuan, or Flying Spaghetti Monster so long as it is the presence of the unknown that can be known: not only does this thing reveal itself in what is knowable, present itself is in all things, but it also is the creator of all things.
As a result, if anything exist and can be known, this thing reveals itself in its’ creation, is in it’s creation and also is a creator of all creation.
For the purposes of this essay I will define this thing as GOD as anything that reveals itself in creation, is in all things created and is also a creator must be a God or the singular essence of existence and the Source of All Knowledge.
It is a Being that exist, that cannot be judged. Because it exist without Judgement.
Originally published at medium.com