I am sure I speak for everyone around me when I say that we undergo a constant influx of negative emotions all day. To balance out this influx of negativity, we need to create bursts of positive emotions and keep ourselves in balance. I try to indulge myself in activities which help me put my mind in the state of utmost concentration and let me be in the present. I think when you are in the present and aware about your surroundings, that is when you create a positive emotion for your mind and body.

There are several sources of negative emotions and cannot be clubbed into categories. But in general, it might arise because of certain external factors like our work environment, people we work with or even the daily travel we are compelled to do. Rarely does our work content depressing for us, most of the times it’s the accoutrements that comes with it. This source of negative emotions is under our social influence and is more like climbing a mountain. You might not want to do it because you are lazy to be stuck in the same environment but you can do it when you want to. In these cases, I simply ask people to “Move”,” We are not a tree. Right!”

Another big source of negative emotions can be how we have arranged our life like our home environment, friend we surround ourselves with, our partner, our parents, inactivity, unrequited love or relationship or some negative life event or trauma.

This I like to call my inner or personal circle of influence, and it is a thousand times more difficult than climbing mountains or even moving a tree. I feel it is like getting into the sea with the constant nausea of being drowning. There is nothing to catch you from the fall.

My simple trick involves changing something in our inner circle of influence to create small bursts of positive emotions for us and for people surrounding us (because they are also a source of positive/negative emotion).

“Re-decorate your home with plants”

And yes, that is my mantra which I want to share. Just one change which will go a long way. I like to paint, cook, swim but this is one change in my life which has given me maximum results with minimum efforts.

Having plants in your home certainly increases the aesthetics and environmental values in your house, but it is a reminder of life. I also strongly recommend to include watering your plants in your morning routine. It has a therapeutic value and serves a means to get connected to present.

Moreover, the plants in my living room are like a stop sign amidst the electronic world around me. When I come back from work, I feel my home more welcoming and peaceful because of them. This is a huge influx of positive emotion post a long and tiring day.

And do gardening on weekends. Studies show that gardening helps in reducing depression, anxiety and improving life satisfaction, quality of life and sense of community.

So, I will say it again “Re-decorate your home with plants”, because

“Nothing is more giving than nature, and what is positivity if not that fullness of heart which can make you cry”