Aryana Chawn is Los Angelean global fitness sensation and role model when it comes to nutrition. She was an average girl in her early life and unaware that she will become a fitness model one day. She has 1.4 million followers on Instagram and very popular among her fans. She is passionate about modeling and acting. She always works hard to get useful outputs in modeling photoshoots. She never compromised on her look and body figure. She is regular in her work out and gym activities.
Aryana’s Hobbies and Activates
In order to spend her leisure time, she chooses traveling as her hobby, along with singing and writing songs. Visiting new places and exploring cultures make her mood fresh. According to her, a fresh mood and a calm mind are very necessary for a fitness model. She gains popularity in a very short period of time. The number of followers started increasing after her recognition as a fitness model.
When we talk about Aryana’s social media, she seems very active and often posts her pictures and status to stay connected with her fans. She believes that social media is a very powerful platform to become famous. However, it is not as easy as most people think. The content you post on your website or on your official accounts must look professional and should not contain annoying material. It would be best if you had fan activities so that they let you know what they like the most in you and what needs to be perfect.
Social Media Talks
Aryana is a woman of success. She took part in many fitness and figure competitions, which leads her to become a fitness model. She not only cares about her outer beauty but also cares about her mental health. That is why she is fit and active. In an interview with her about the passion for fitness and modeling, she said that she has a strong belief that fitness helped her a lot to become famous among her fans. Moreover, she added that sharing your hobby with your fans make it an interesting activity and keep you connected with them. She said that she believe in body positivity, which is why she is not afraid of showing her skin to the world.
Social Media Accounts Handling
Her modeling pictures on her social media accounts like Instagram show the body positivity and ideal posture, which become a big hit for her on social media. Her website has a section for her fans to stay connected and exchange personal views. As everybody knows, social media is an open platform for all to exchange reviews and thoughts. She was asked that as she has a large number of fans and followers on Instagram, then she handle the haters. She replied that not everyone is going to love you and appreciate you, so build a tough skin when it comes to haters. She also does sponsor ads to the clothing companies and does molding ads.
Work out Programs and Plans she Follow
While I was writing this about Aryana, I have opened her social media accounts in my tabs to have a quick glance. Instead of having a high status, she always remains peaceful, modest, and so engaging with her fans. She posts her pictures after her constant work out to spark interest in her, and people got the inspiration from her. She posts pictures with the label of Now and then or with years or months mentioned on them. It shows her constant progress to stay fit and active being a fitness model.
She put her transformation photos in her Instagram stories too. She gives captions very briefly to her pictures in which she shares her workout plan and efforts. Because of her posts, it becomes very helpful for all the girls and other fitness models to know what is effective for staying in shape. Aryana also shares other girls’ posts and pictures who follow her workout plan as a marketing tool and generating traffic. If any of you want the same workout plan, you can avail subscription per month package. She is also working to strengthen girls and bring them together.