Some of the greatest inspirations in my life are people I’ve never had the privilege of meeting. One of these incredible people was Billy Graham. 

What made him a true giant in my eyes and of the last century, was his ability to speak with compassion to all people. His godly mission never brought about rudeness, cruelty or judgment but rather an encouragement for grace and understanding even to those who differed greatly in his beliefs. 

His ability to live what he preached made him one of the most admired men not only to me but also the world. It is rare to find individuals today that can be true to their beliefs without hurting others in the process. Real character comes from not only living with integrity but also understanding and loving others that may not be in the same place you are. His words and actions offered hope to all and inspired me to be a better person and take part in a better future for myself and my children by making small changes. Learning to speak better, listen more and love beyond the differences, were all direct teachings that came from him.

The Love Offering Podcast, by Rachael Adams, shares how small ways can make the biggest impact on the world and celebrates and catalyzes extraordinary givers in everyday people. Billy Graham’s influence on the world exemplifies the potential of what an extraordinary giver can do. He not only cared, but he acted.

Regardless of race, economics, or politics, he never wavered in his actions and commitments of leading others to salvation and love. I was humbled and encouraged to hear his words even if I never met him face to face. He exuded what can be accomplished when love is the driving force behind what we say and what we do. His legacy reminds me that it’s possible to love your enemy, to forgive others and that people receive us as a result of how we treat them.

I hope to keep learning and growing in ways where my love offering can be seen, felt and heard by others. Even though I may never have the power and stature of Billy Graham, I do have the power to be intentional about my own words and actions. What I put out to others does mean something and any small act of grace has the potential to form a chain reaction. Standing tall comes from rising above criticism and displaying love in all circumstance.