Woman is the foundation for any plane, where life is in continuous existence! It means that throughout the entire Earth, woman’s presence is felt! She is there-in every woman, through every mother, and those feminine Beings, who have yet to be born. She is present in different regions, countries, territories, and the myriad spaces on Earth’s soil. It is the literal feminine energy, which makes the world go round–through every sense of the term. Women’s words, observations, and experiences are reflections of where we are, in our human existence. In a terse amount of words, women’s words MATTER! The truthful and holistic nature, concerning women is essential in understanding what it means to occupy a portion of this Earth, for one’s existence.
At least once a year, we can say that there is a sacred presence and joy for celebrating the very essence of, WOMAN! At least, in the very least, we are able to have this. Even when the world seems to have forgotten about, HER! Her needs. Her wisdom. Her creativity. Her thoughts. Her gifts. It correlates to every part of her, and how she chooses to depict life, through- her terms. At least, we are able to get, that. What many people refuse to understand is that International Women’s Day 2021 is a day of understanding, the rest of the days on the calendar. Comprehending how those days are connected to, WOMAN! How does she operate within the rest of the year’s calendar? How is she treated, or celebrated, within the remaining year? Is her significance only important, during the 8th of March?

The very month of March, as with this special day, is always the perfect opportunity for women’s issues-around the world-to take centered stage. This seems to be the time, where women can address issues of violence, invisibility, hardships within the economic sector, and whatever problems she is facing, within her society. It’s also a time for meditation and celebration. Where is she in her journey? How does she perceive herself and the very road that she is partaking in her personal path? Most importantly, what does it mean to be a woman? What does it mean to live her truth and to embody the aesthetics of her culture? Never underestimate the truthful eloquence of such words!
If we want to be honest, there is a victory in having women’s day! Simultaneously, there is also a level of joy and serenity, when it comes to celebrating our womanhood! Of course, the very first thing needing to be examined is if women have found comfort in our womanhood. Is there pride when it comes to the feminine identity? OR Have so many women become dwindled and hindered into a constant state of self-hatred and self-esteem? What does it feel like to be stuck within this period of pain and self-doubt? I guess one of the first things which needs to be addressed is the loving of womanhood, by women! The value and embracing of womanhood, by women! Do we as women truly love ourselves? Most importantly, do we value and care for other women? Can we honestly answer this question with the fullest level of honesty that we can muster? If the answer is “no,” then a conversation needs to be held; a deeper conversation on how we are to move into another spacing of healing. It’s a deeper conversation-a painful one. Nevertheless, it is there. Currently, the world is in a crisis, and the truth of the matter is that women are off balance and out of sync with each other. So, how do we get back, in tuned with each other? How do we re-connect with a level of sensitivity and decor? Understanding and feeling the brokenness of other women. Knowing when one Sister is in a state of fragmentation, pain, and disarray. How do we provide comfort to that energy? How do we channel those necessary energies into a state of re-balance? In that way, the pains of women are not ignored; only to leave her in a spiritual and emotional rotting.
As we are moving into a state of feminine realignment, what is the image that we want to see, for the very future of, WOMAN? How do we anticipate her depictions and imagery? Twenty years from now, what do we want WOMAN to look like? What advances will she have made? What are the signs of progress concerning how women are to exist for future years? What world are we creating for the next generation of women? And, are we leaving this world much better than when we first arrived? What will women who come after say about the women, of today?

Yes! It’s important to celebrate International Women’s Day! It’s imperative to recognize how far women have come, on this day. Yet, after the 8th of March, where do we go from here? When the celebration is over, how do we continue the work? How do we continue the work of, loving women? And, what I mean is the responsibility of WOMEN to love, honor, respect, and nurture, HER. Whether we know her or not, it is our responsibility to acknowledge women in her myriad forms. It is our responsibility to comfort her; all the while reminding her that she is never alone. When the system of sexism, racism, colorism, and every other oppressive -ism tries to break her down, it is WE-the women, who whisper those words of gentility and comfort into her ears. When economic hardships try to demean her, and bring her down, it is women, who must remind her of the garden-and its ongoing abundance of nurture and bliss. Such is the blessing of womanhood, and every form, that she takes. Women cannot advocate for love’s desire, if we are not spreading love into each other. Such is the living proof, and the living truth!
March 8th is International Women’s Day! However, the month of March is Women’s History Month in the United States. Each day, within this month is a reminder that women are sacred Beings. Part of that sacred nature is restoring holistic energy into the atmosphere. A woman cannot heal herself, her culture, or her nation, if she is not first healed, within herself! Even more, it is very important for a community to understand the significance for women to receive proper nurture and care. In doing so, it ensures that the entire community will receive healing. It’s a necessary task to understand. It’s a necessary blessing to visualize.

For this day, and the days after, permit us to reflect upon, understand, and find comfort in knowing that the celebration of women is a, must! Yet, it STARTS, with women. This greatly contrasts to the consistent efforts that women make to gain approval, and validation, from men; even going so far as stepping on women, in the process. Let’s not forget the levels of emotional, psychological, and spiritual violence, that women project against each other. How far have women strayed in truly loving, honoring, and blessing the feminine? Furthermore, what do we need to do, in order to get back on track in, loving her? Now, we have arrived to a very important question. Allow this International Women’s Day 2021 to marinate with such a question. Permit it to linger. That way, when the voices of women are finally heard, we can actually be restored in those sacred words of, HER OWN!
To learn more about International Women’s Day, you may go to the following link: