I often imagined what it would look, feel and taste like to do what I was born to do. To be able to write words that empower others to move out of their own way into a life of thriving and not simply existing. I am a writer. In a world as vast as ours and with endless possibilities, why do we continue to stifle our passions in order to be a person other than who we are destined to be? We are powerful beings in our own right–able to live and breath purposeful lives if we so choose to. We are here on this earth not merely for play and amusement; rather I believe it is our responsibility individually and collectively to elevate one another through words and action. I also know that if there is a burning desire within us to become a thing, then we have every right to tread the path towards it. Now more than ever, we must use our God-given talents to not only help change the trajectory of our own lives, but subconsciously give others permission to do the same.
For as long as I can remember, I kept a journal of my thoughts. Some of it’s pages were prolific; while others not so much. I wrote on tiny pieces of paper, in black and white marble books, on post it notes and now I write for the world to take notice. As I get older, I stand in my skin with conviction and no longer apprehensive of what others may say or think of me. I always second-guessed what I knew deep down to be right and true. I hushed my voice and dimmed my light so others wouldn’t see me shine. I no longer shrink in my existence to appease the world’s insecurities or my own for that matter. It is my hope that more women who look like me surface and are afforded the opportunity to share their gift of writing with the world. I am a Muslim woman who aspires to be one that writes with substance and meaning. A woman who understands and can relate to finally forgiving and loving herself intentionally and unapologetically. I aspire to live abundantly. When I speak and think of abundance it epitomizes what I seek in the spiritual, physical, financial and emotional sense of the word. It can never be the norm where we only chase fame and glory. There is a far greater purpose for our lives than that. I encourage myself and every human being to own who we are and strive to become better than who we were yesterday. Our freedom lies not in what someone else hands us, but in what we give to ourselves knowing we are worthy of it!