Greetings, all!
If you haven’t already tuned in, I invite you to join me as we “re-visit” the alphabet during these exciting, turbulent and unsurpassed times of global change.
Whether you’ve come to the awareness yet or not, our entire landscape is changing — even as I write!
This ABC’s of NOW is a podcast series designed to assist during the process of change. Each episode focuses on a letter of the alphabet along with an assigned word. When the concept originally came to me, it was to go backwards through the alphabet rather than forward.
The implication was that it was time for humankind – individually as well as collectively – to unwind, unravel and un-do some of the foundational and elementary “ABC’s” of life many of us acquired and then built upon in all aspects of our existence.
During times of uncertainty, many negative imaginations and feelings arise including confusion, frustration, anger and even a desire to crawl under the covers in fear and overwhelm. The ABC’s of NOW is designed with the opposite intent: it’s here to assist you in the process. Learn that in the unwinding of previous training and adopted thinking, you can rediscover your own inner place of reflection and rest.
At the end of the series, expect several other benefits as well!
This second installment blog includes episodes 5 through 8, featuring the letters V, U, T and S and an exploration of their respective words.
If you haven’t already heard the first blog release of this podcast series, click here for the initial installment entitled The ABC’s of NOW: Epic Change and a Wonderful World Ahead.
Since this series is designed to be communicated audibly rather than in writing, I invite you to step in to a quiet place for listening just ahead.
Second Installment of the ABC’s of NOW
Click here for Episode 5 – The Letter V is for Virtues
Click here for Episode 6 – The Letter U is for Uncover
Click here for Episode 7 – The Letter T is for Timber
Click here for Episode 8 – The Letter S is for Surprise
Knowing this series is designed to help you think backward, consider viewing the title in reverse as well. You just might discover a new reason to smile — and stick with the process!
To receive automatic and up-to-the-minute updates on this series, remember that you can also find Maura Sweeney Living Happy Inside Out on iTunes, Stitcher, iHeart Radio, PlayerFM and many other of your favorite podcast platforms.

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