The basic key to having a successful and fulfilling life is to have a mindset that is focused on growth. Abdelkader Bachr, also known as Abdoobachr, is an entrepreneur who has helped dozens of businesses and individuals around the world achieve their goals.
In this article, he shares some of the habits and attitudes that have helped him to groom his mind over the years.
First, learn to love what you do
For you to progress in life, you must approach your business and day-to-day activities with an open mind. Without first learning to work with passion and enthusiasm, you will not be able to grow. This is a primary habit that Abdelkader has inculcated and practiced for years and hit has brought him noticeable growth in his life and businesses. He explains further below;
“I felt successful when I first started to feel that I loved what I was doing,” Bachr says. “If you don’t love what you’re doing, then it is no longer entrepreneurship. It is a 9-to-5 job. Don’t we all want to become entrepreneurs so that we can feel independent and free from a 9-to-5 job?”
Many people fall victim to the ‘shiny object’ syndrome. Whenever they see a successful trend, they immediately drop whatever they are doing and switch to the ‘next big thing’, whether they have a genuine interest in the niche or not. To truly grow in life, you need to focus all your energy on the things you really enjoy doing and be willing to see them through the long-term.
Don’t avoid the tough decisions
In life, things will not always come easily. Many times, you will find yourself deviating from the straight line you have set out for yourself. In moments like this, you will need to make hard decisions, and sometimes, this might mean sacrificing short-term gains and gratification.
For Abdelkader, he expresses this through his business.
“I remember a defining moment in my life where I had to choose between continuing my university education or work on my business full-time,” Bachr said. “I choose to do business because I needed to focus on one thing at a time. There is no way anyone can do both and be successful.”
Challenge yourself to leave the comfort zone
Growth does happen in one giant leap. To get to your end goals, you must take a series of small steps. In these little and subtle changes, you will find progress. In the accomplishment of goals, your focus should stay fixed on your goals and no matter how tough things get, giving up should never be an option.
To grow in your life, something must change every day. Staying in your comfort zone will trick you into a state of mediocrity. Instead of going through life on a single track, take opportunities that come your way and use them as stepping stones.