Setting a weight loss goal can intimidating. After all, what if you don’t meet the goal? Does that mean you failed, again? But you need to set goals to have something to work toward. Just know that, like everything else in life, goals can change as you do. Your weight loss journey is just that, an adventure. You may end up somewhere unexpected or take side trips along the way, but, as long as you learn from them and continue going forward, you are on the right track.
Of course, saying that is easier than accepting it when you are the one trying to lose weight. While there aren’t any quick tricks to meeting your goals, finding progress and small successes along the way can be a huge help. Consider these tips to get you started.
Set Realistic Goals
Frustration, anger, and despair will be the only emotions you feel if your weight loss goals are not realistic. Set yourself up for success by being realistic about what you are and aren’t willing to do to shed extra pounds.
Assess your lifestyle habits that affect your weight. Are you physically active enough? The American Heart Association recommends 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity each week to maintain a healthy weight, so use that as a starting point. Keep in mind that you’ll want to move more to create the calorie deficit needed to achieve weight loss.
Are you eating healthy foods that are rich in nutrients while containing low to moderate amounts of calories? Look to the Mediterranean diet for inspiration to find balanced, whole food choices that focus on vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein sources. Don’t be afraid to add supplements to get the nutrients you need. If Le-Vel Thrive reviews are an indication, adding a supplement can help boost energy and help you achieve your weight loss goals.
Start Small and Grow
Perhaps the best way to mark your progress is to set small goals on your way toward a bigger one. Maybe you simply want to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day to start. That is a healthy amount for most people. Plus, increasing your water intake may actually help flush out waste that is bogging you down and slowing weight loss.
Once you reach that first goal, or after a set amount of time, add a new goal you can strive for. Make sure it helps move you closer to the end goal you are working towards.
Find a Support System
A key reason certain weight loss programs are more successful over time than others is the amount of support participants receive. Social support is a key component of a successful weight loss plan and one that can serve to encourage you and offer invaluable advice. It’s not all about encouragement, though. Assemble a practical and supportive team that will hold you accountable to your goals and help you troubleshoot what went wrong when you don’t meet them.
Track Your Progress
You can’t find progress in your journey if you don’t take steps to track it along the way. Start by tracking your actions, which are easy to measure. There are plenty of calorie and food tracker apps designed to help you. Try a couple out and see which one fits your lifestyle best. Then be sure to keep a record of what activities you are taking part in. See if your gym has a program to help you set and keep track of fitness goals.
Your progress isn’t just defined by how many pounds you have or haven’t lost. Think about recording your overall experience in a diary or blog. This will give you a chance to evaluate the things that are more difficult to measure than calorie count, like struggling with cravings or how it felt to slide right into those skinny jeans.
A great way to find and celebrate the victories you achieve is by sharing them with others. Whether you put it out on social media, tell your support system pals, or show it off in a killer new outfit, let others know how far you’ve come. This is a surefire way to keep yourself on track toward your ultimate weight loss goal.